job posting for a Camping Speciliast

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I'm sorry, but even with the job title, this position simply has to be little or no fun. Close inspection of the duties indicates a lot of time spent meeting, e-mailing, phoning and other administrative tasks but precious little time spent outdoors, much less any actual camping. ;)
Yeah, nothing says "fun outdoors job" quite like an office building on Conn Ave in DC.
On the other hand, they do offer "direct deposit" as one of their benefits.....gotta admit, tough to pass that up.
Despite the downside, my hats off to those who work in the non profit world. This position appears to have a direct impact in getting youths out in the woods to go camping in as safe a manner as possible. Sure its not an expedition to Everest but for many kids if there weren't youth organizations out there opening up these entry level opportunities to go outdoors, these kids wouldn't get out at all. Given the general "graying" of the backcountry and all the concern for 'nature deficit disorder' I hope that a deserving individual steps into the position and is successful at it.
Despite the downside, my hats off to those who work in the non profit world. This position appears to have a direct impact in getting youths out in the woods to go camping in as safe a manner as possible. Sure its not an expedition to Everest but for many kids if there weren't youth organizations out there opening up these entry level opportunities to go outdoors, these kids wouldn't get out at all. Given the general "graying" of the backcountry and all the concern for 'nature deficit disorder' I hope that a deserving individual steps into the position and is successful at it.

Kudos to you for saying so peakbagger. I'll date myself and say I can remember when the first Outdoor Ed. Programs and Degrees first starting appearing at the College Level. It wasn't that long ago. A friend's son of mine is actually going to a High School in Colorado that is Outdoor Education oriented. Things have come a long way.
Let's not forget that #1 drawback:

Salary details
Mid $30,000s
A mid 30,000's salary would be a huge plus for many americans!However for a family of two who hike,that would not be enough to live ok and have gas money to get up north :)
I have spent many years prior living outside the material and comfort world to only full on embrace it these days.College bills coming soon and money to get up north is why I need money.
I do not mean to pick apart your quote,just wanted the public not to think we here at vftt are snobs.Having had a background in classical music,I can say most here would be shocked how little a person who plays in a small town symphony makes a year[way less than 20 grand a year often].Again i realize 30 grand is a problem for more than a 2 family in most of mass. and southern nh[Gas was outrageous in Wellesley the other day,around $3.80].Peace
Despite the downside, my hats off to those who work in the non profit world. This position appears to have a direct impact in getting youths out in the woods to go camping in as safe a manner as possible. Sure its not an expedition to Everest but for many kids if there weren't youth organizations out there opening up these entry level opportunities to go outdoors, these kids wouldn't get out at all. Given the general "graying" of the backcountry and all the concern for 'nature deficit disorder' I hope that a deserving individual steps into the position and is successful at it.

One of the reasons I felt competent to comment is that I held such a position for three years, in which I was fortunate to have lots of opportunities to accompany kids on activities I planned and led. ;)