Katahdin,Hamlin 6.10.12


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Active member
Apr 10, 2012
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Tupper Lake, NY
I decided Saturday I would try to hit Katahdin. Nice living an hour from Millinocket- you can go to Baxter almost whenever. I got to Togue Pond gate and was about 6th in line around 630 and all traffic was turning left away from Roaring Brook. I was hoping for Roaring Brook but on such a gorgeous Sunday I didn't expect much. I got to the gate and surpsisingly Roaring Brook was not full. In fact when I got to the lot it was barely 1/4 full. The parking lot was worse than a ski area lot with hordes of people going through gear and the air was toxic with the stench of bug spray. It wasn't buggy with exception of skeeters at the Togue Pond gate.
My mission was one of my favorite hikes if not favorite east of Rockies. Hamlin Ridge-Katahdin-Knife Edge-Helon. Nobody else was signed in with Hamlin on the sign in sheet. I started at 658AM
I passed several groups until I turned off the Blueberry Knoll Trail to Hamlin Ridge. The entire trail from the parking lot until I turned passed the last group stank of bug spray. Even if it was buggy, the second hand bug spray probably would have taken care of it.
The weather was maybe 50 and clear with exception of fog hanging over the river valleys in the distance. As usual Hamlin Ridge didn't let down with it's views into the Great and North Basins. A few clouds obscured briefly around around Traveler and White Cap Range but the clouds soon passed. As I was a couple hundred feet sky of Katahdin's summit, a lone girl passed me heading towards the saddle. A minute later I reached the summit and had it to myself. It was 840 AM on a bluebird June day and I had the summit to myself. I couldn't see any hikers on Knife Edge or Hunt Trail approaching. I ate some snacks and enjoyed Maine's roof to myself for 20+ minutes before hitting the Knife Edge. I had the summit to myself in November or say a Wednesday in fall, but never a day like this.
It was mid 50s with maybe a 10-15 MPH gusts. Gorgeous with merely a few clouds in the entire sky. A few patches of snow lingering near the Saddle and on the wall of the Great Basin as well as few other patches here or there. I made it across the Knife Edge and saw a couple of groups on Pamola as I approached and passed one by the Chimney. Heading down Helon I passed 3 or 4 groups. I was back at Roaring Brook at 1210. I stopped 20 minutes on Katahdin to eat and enjoy the silence, on Hamlin 10 minutes or so to put on sunscreeen. One of my fastest hikes on the Big K.
My 12th climb of Katahdin, 3rd of Hamlin, 7th Knife Edge crossing. I even saw a mother and child moose on the drive along Roaring Brook Road. Great day.