Kennebago Divide and Cupsuptic Snow

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2004
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The New England Hundred Highest List as many of you well know has had it's changes over the years as far as the peaks actually on the list. That is certainly the case for me as I finished that list over 20 years ago. Call me obssesed as most of us "Listers" are, but I have been going back around and hitting the new peaks that have been added since I finished. Maybe there should be a list for the peaks that used to be on a list that are not on a list anymore.
Anyhow I am looking at Doing Kennebago Divide and Cupsuptic Snow the weekend of 9/24/05 -9/25/05 or 10/01/05-10/02/05. I am not opposed to doing White Cap and Boundary that same weekend if others need those peaks also.
I promise to "Resurect" this thread only once...did'nt know if there might be some 100 NEHH wannabees lurking out there.
skiguy said:
... Maybe there should be a list for the peaks that used to be on a list that are not on a list anymore....

LOL! You are a *SERIOUS* lister! That sounds like a list I'd like to do! :D

Let me just finish the other 4 or 5 lists I'm working on now! :D
I need these peaks as well! Either weekend works for me. Keep me posted as to what you decide to do.


skiguy said:
Anyhow I am looking at Doing Kennebago Divide and Cupsuptic Snow the weekend of 9/24/05 -9/25/05 or 10/01/05-10/02/05. I am not opposed to doing White Cap and Boundary that same weekend if others need those peaks also.

I would be interested in the weekend of October 1st or 2nd. Please keep me posted.
Be aware that as of last year the bridge in Stetsontown (I love it, pop. -0-) was washed out and the access to Wiggle Brook Road was a lot rougher. Anybody been there recently that can give us an update?
Nate was up there last week and gave a very extensive trip report.
Looks like amstony might be making the call on the dates for this one. 10/02/05-10/02/05 works for me. How about MEB and SteveHiker? This is a pretty long Weekend with driving and everything. We might want to meet up on Friday night or very early on Sat. I think we probably would want to think about a campground somewhere for Friday night and/or Saturday. Was thinking that we could probably do Boundary, White Cap, and Kennebago Divide on Sat. which is a pretty long day and then Cupsuptic Snow on Sunday which is relatively short. Any thoughts or any other takers?
That weekend works fine with me but I'm only going to be able to make it for Saturday. I'll plan on driving up that morning and meeting everyone there....just let me know where there is and what time. :)

Meb And SteveHiker I'm glad you are interested in this hike. I will Probably try to find a campground as close to going in to the above mentioned hike. That will serve as the meeting place most likley. While on the subject of Campgrounds does anyone have any suggestions for the Oquossoc/Rangely area that might be open in early October.
It looks as though Cupsuptic Family Campground located almost directly across from the logging roads that take you into this hike off of rt. 16 in Oquossoc is open year round.In fact I think they may even have some sites along the logging roads going into the Hike. Ironically they were closed today and I will try to contact them about availabilty for tent sites. Tents sites range from $16 to $18.
skiguy said:
Meb And SteveHiker I'm glad you are interested in this hike. I will Probably try to find a campground as close to going in to the above mentioned hike. That will serve as the meeting place most likley. While on the subject of Campgrounds does anyone have any suggestions for the Oquossoc/Rangely area that might be open in early October.
It is common practice and I believe legal to car camp off the side of logging roads in Maine except where posted. I've done it a few times with Spencer (our local expert) and he said it was allowed. There are signs along Wiggle Brook Road that say no camping, but that is the exception. So just look for signs, get off the road and go ahead and camp.

Note: this is my belief and opinion and is not legal advice.
Papa Bear said:
Note: this is my belief and opinion and is not legal advice.

Thankyou for your input on this Papa Bear. You should read Nate's trip report about meeting up with Ranger's up in that area. Post 9/11 has given this area a new twist. I am looking to camp where there is no "Potetial" for any encounters that will infringe upon hiking time. Also meeting up with someone to hike with on a more established road in this situation seems more prudent.
For anyone interested in this hike I will probably be staying at the above mentioned campground both Friday 9/30/05 and Saturday 10/01/05 as there is availability. This will be the meeting place for this hike probably 7:00-7:30 Saturday Morning.
Unfortunately due to some unforseen complications I will be pushing this trip back a few weeks. Right now I am looking at the weekend of 10/14-16. Hope the folks who were interested in this already can make this date or we could entertain the next couple of weekends after that. I would definitely like to make this trip happen by the end of October.
Susan and I were in the area September 11 and 12. We didn't find the tops of any of the peaks, though.

Follow the Morton Cut-off to Lincoln Pond Road and turn right. The second left turn after the West Kennebago trailhead (which, frankly, I wouldn't even have noticed if there hadn't been a truck parked there) will take you up to Wiggle Brook Road (check your DeLorme—it's the dotted line in the 2004 edition that goes past Bernie's Bump). At the end, turn right to go to Bear Brook Road; on the left, just before the missing bridge. Bear Brook Road forks, but don't go up the obvious road to the left; stay low on the twin tracks. I was able to drive my Corolla up to a big clearing. There was a washout in some dense trees that I didn't want to try to cross. It wasn't much farther beyond that to the impassable washout anyway. Be sure you have some good directions for the hike with you, like Bob and Geri's GPS-generated map.

Lincoln Pond Road had two or three washouts, so watch your speed and don't try to go back on these roads in the dark, or you may drop off into the ditch.

For Cupsuptic Snow, take Burnt Mountain Road, the first quick left off Lincoln Pond Road. Eventually it will bring you to East Branch Road, but notice!—there are two East Branch Roads, and I believe it's the second one that will lead you to Mount Snow. There was active logging along it. One of the men warned us that there is a 400-pound bear in the area "and three others." It sure looks like the right road to take on the map, but it only led us to a plateau between two high peaks, so I don't know for sure if we were on the right road or not or where we ended up.

There's supposed to be a cairn at the end of the road with a herd path opposite it which leads up the mountain. There was a cairn, but it was not at the end of the road and there was no herd path opposite it. At the actual end of the road, there was no cairn, but there was a tree with a lot of pink ribbons tied to it and a herd path behind it which led to the aforementioned plateau. Nothing there seemed to agree with the map, so we went back down. If anyone can explain it, I'd love to know.