Loop from Lafayette Place up Fishin' Jimmy , Kinsman Ridge Trail, down Hi-Cannon Trail.
The Fishin' Jimmy and Kinsman Ridge Trails were very wet in spots with water running down the rocks. This didn't effect the ascent much, but the multiple descents through the Cannon Balls on Kinsman Ridge Trail were very slow due to the wet and sometimes icy conditions. There are patches of snow above 3000', some of which is nice to walk on still, some postholes, and some very slick ice.
The Hi-Cannon trail was dryer but some moves on the top half of the descent were still tough. The Lonesome Lake Trail up to the lake and the bottom half of Hi-Cannon were in good condition for fast hiking.
My email is sps<number>@cornell.edu (where <number> is 27).
The Fishin' Jimmy and Kinsman Ridge Trails were very wet in spots with water running down the rocks. This didn't effect the ascent much, but the multiple descents through the Cannon Balls on Kinsman Ridge Trail were very slow due to the wet and sometimes icy conditions. There are patches of snow above 3000', some of which is nice to walk on still, some postholes, and some very slick ice.
The Hi-Cannon trail was dryer but some moves on the top half of the descent were still tough. The Lonesome Lake Trail up to the lake and the bottom half of Hi-Cannon were in good condition for fast hiking.
My email is sps<number>@cornell.edu (where <number> is 27).