Kinsman's - Saturday 5/28/2005

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Oct 22, 2004
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Apparently from reading the "What are you doing on Memorial Day?" thread some of us are planning on hitting the Kinsman's this Saturday. Tuco, me, and possibly McRat - master of the Pemi Loop, are going to hike Lonesome Lake, Cascade, Fishin' Jimmy and the Ridge to get both peaks.
I noticed Tycho 32 and chinooktrail mentioning this as a possible hike. If anyone is interested let me know or show up. Tuco and me tend to be pretty early starters...around 7am.
Just a friendly tip on this trip, don't do like I did and try to make it more "interesting" by taking the Kinsman Pond and Cascade Brook trails on your way back. The KP trail stinks! The "trail" is pretty much just a stream bed for a decent way down with water flowing freely. I can only imagine what this lightly used "trail" is like now after all the rain! Other than that, have fun! I love the Kinsmans!! ;)
Double Bow said:
Just a friendly tip on this trip, don't do like I did and try to make it more "interesting" by taking the Kinsman Pond and Cascade Brook trails on your way back. The KP trail stinks! The "trail" is pretty much just a stream bed for a decent way down with water flowing freely. I can only imagine what this lightly used "trail" is like now after all the rain! Other than that, have fun! I love the Kinsmans!! ;)
Ross I had heard that before too...we are doing an out and back on Jimmy...

As you can see from my post on the "memorial day" thread, I may see some of you out there. Look for a group of women in good spirits despite the rain :)
Double Bow said:
Just a friendly tip on this trip, don't do like I did and try to make it more "interesting" by taking the Kinsman Pond and Cascade Brook trails on your way back. The KP trail stinks! The "trail" is pretty much just a stream bed for a decent way down with water flowing freely. I can only imagine what this lightly used "trail" is like now after all the rain! Other than that, have fun! I love the Kinsmans!! ;)

Hmmm... I advised Bunchberry's group to take Cascade/Kinsman because
I thought Fishin Jimmy would still have substantial ice. Some of the women in this group will have very little experience on ice and snow - so I sent them the "wet" way. Should they try RT on Fishin' Jimmy instead??
Did the Cascade/Kinsman Pond route up last July and it was certainly damp. The trail does follow a stream for a while and is generally very rooty and rocky.

It did look to have been freshly blazed and that helps as sometimes the trail was not that obvious. Looking more like a stream bed than a trail.

There are a couple of brook crossings to contend with but there was little water when Karen and I went up.

I liked the route but decided it would be much nicer in winter with snow covering all the rocks :)

Blue said:
Hmmm... I advised Bunchberry's group to take Cascade/Kinsman because
I thought Fishin Jimmy would still have substantial ice. Some of the women in this group will have very little experience on ice and snow - so I sent them the "wet" way. Should they try RT on Fishin' Jimmy instead??

I am expecting it to be wet. Eric (Tuco) and I both have traction and I figure we will need it somewhere. I am expecting Fishin' Jimmy to be wet and to find some snow on the ridge, especially between the peaks.

slow and safe...
Blue said:
Hmmm... I advised Bunchberry's group to take Cascade/Kinsman because
I thought Fishin Jimmy would still have substantial ice. Some of the women in this group will have very little experience on ice and snow - so I sent them the "wet" way. Should they try RT on Fishin' Jimmy instead??

Blue, Kinsman Pond and Cascade Brook are likely to have just as much ice as Fishin' Jimmy. What Bob says is right on the money as well. Walking on wet possibly icy rocks with running water might not be fun. :(
I hope to join a team climbing the Kinsman's from the western flank; maybe we will see some of you on a summit, as looks like the Kinsman's are the place to be on Saturday the 28th. Think positive thoughts for some sunshine!
adamiata, I don't know if you heard from Saplatt but I am sure he'd be happy for more company. We'll be hitting the traihead around 7am at Lafayette Place.
adamiata - I should be in bed by know with the before 4am alarm stating at me...we we would love to have yo and any vftters along. Dr. D...hope to see you up there.

As for route choice...everything I hear tells me to stick to my original plan...out and back on Fishin' Jimmy...Cascade and Pond trails are likely to be wetter and trickier.

Nice weather would be great, but I do not really care.