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Little Rickie

New member
Dec 13, 2007
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Rochester, New York
Has anyone tried this stuff for health, energy, weight loss or endurance? I've been reading about it but, as all of you know so well, information on the internet can be......well.....rather diverse. :rolleyes:
My personal feeling on these types of things is that unless I have everything else dialed in perfectly with what is known and easily available (great balanced diet, exercise, weight loss, very moderate alcohol, no smoking, proper sleep, healthy relationships, normal mineral/vitamin supplements, etc) then these "miracle" things will be no help regardless.*

ny times article said:
To make kombucha, brewers rely on what’s called a starter — a bit of already fermented tea—passed between makers and referred to reverentially as “the mother.” Once the mother is added to sweetened tea and allowed to sit in a glass jar unrefrigerated for 7 to 14 days, a glop known as a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast grows over the surface...

...Dr. Andrew Weil, a doctor and leader in alternative health writes on his Web site: “I don’t recommend kombucha tea at all. I know of no scientific studies backing up the health claims made for it.” He goes on to warn of home brews contaminated with aspergillus, a toxin-producing fungus, and cautions pregnant women, the elderly, children and anyone with a compromised immune system against drinking it.
Well I'm not looking for a miracle thing just something else to add to my diet. I have a juicer, a bee hive (mead), bake bread 1X a week usually, make egg pasta now & then, make a little cheese in the winter, have a little yogert, fish, veggies etc.

I figure if people have been drinking this stuff for over 2,000 years there has to be something to it. ?
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Yes, its maybe 1% alcohol (its fermented, afterall)

I find it funny that if you buy Kombucha at Hannaford, you will be carded. :D

Whole Foods doesn't.

I guess about a year ago there was a recall because the batch was nearly 5% alcohol!!
A good friend of mine drinks it post hikes. She's very fussy about what she consumes. I can tell you this much: once she's started her bottle (purchased, not home brewed) she belches a LOT :eek:
makes me feel good

I don't drink it often. But I recall that when I do get it and drink it - I feel very good afterwards.

I have to confess that I need to drink it kind of fast, with my nose closed... it doesn't have the most pleasant smell or aftertaste.
I drink a bottle of raw kombucha once per week, Synergy brand -- great source of probiotics. I've noticed no ill effects. :)

Noticed any positive effects?

I started a batch from a bottle of raw kombucha to seed it. Have to wait 12-14 days and then I'll see what I get and if it does any good. The bottle stuff is expensive.
ny times article said:
...Dr. Andrew Weil, a doctor and leader in alternative health ... He goes on to warn of home brews contaminated with aspergillus, a toxin-producing fungus, ...

...I started a batch from a bottle of raw kombucha to seed it. Have to wait 12-14 days and then I'll see what I get and if it does any good.

:confused: Seriously ? Have a nice trip ! No freakin way I'd rot my own and drink it. Video and YouTube it. I'll be impressed if you can keep it down.
Have you ever fermented beer or wine? I wouldn't leave my wine or beer uncovered and exposed to wild yeasts & bateria. I'm doing the same thing now. If you start with a good culture and keep things clean it's not hard to keep it safe.

It's fermenting not rotting.

Not much different from" beer, wine, cheese, bread, YOGURT :p, pickles, vinegar and sauerkraut.
"That sort of thing AIN'T MY CUP OF TEA, Baby. Yeah !" ;)


I've dabbled in beer and wine. The kombucha process does not appear to be closed/sterile. But Good Luck !
Not only can I not keep it down, but I've had some very adverse reactions the only 2 times I've tried it. I understand others have had similar issues. I recall something in the news recently about related health concerns, perhaps having to do with folks with allergies unknown to them, though I can't recall specifically. IMHO, don't bother ...
Not only can I not keep it down, but I've had some very adverse reactions the only 2 times I've tried it. I understand others have had similar issues. I recall something in the news recently about related health concerns, perhaps having to do with folks with allergies unknown to them, though I can't recall specifically. IMHO, don't bother ...

Huh? Well - I will consider myself lucky then!!