Lafayette / Garfield Jun 12 (or 13?)

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Sep 1, 2004
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Goffstown, NH Avatar: No Once-lers or thneeds
If the weather looks OK for Sunday (with Monday being an alternate if the wkend is bad but Monday's nice enough to merit taking the day off) I will probably hike up Lafayette via the Greenleaf Tr & explore the area above treeline near & north of the summit looking for alpine flora. If anyone's willing to coordinate a car-spot starting early (begin hiking @ around 8:30am), please PM me -- I'd be interested in doing a ridgewalk over Garfield Ridge to bag Mt Garfield, then down via Mt Garfield Tr. Total distance looks about 12mi, w/ 4200-4500 ft el gain (3500' to Mt Lafayette, the rest to Garfield; I need to verify the mileage stats)

edit: 12.3 mi, 4700ft el gain (3500' + 1200')

a few Q's:
(1) how strenuous is this compared to Franconia Ridge w/ Mt Liberty thrown in? (which I did last fall)
(2) any reasons to help me make up my mind one way or the other?
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I have never done the section between Lafayette and Garfield but the WMG and numerous hikers I have discussed this with state that it is a very grueling section with many ups and downs that are not adequately depicted on the maps. That being said, I would think that as a day hike and not a back pack this is quite doable. The hike down the Garfield Trail is quite comfortable and would be a welcome ending 4-5 miles to a long day.
Have fun!!

You will probably have noticed another thread about a Franconia Riidge traverse to Galehead Hut. Falling Waters to Galehead Hut thread. Read that concerning the difficulty of the Garfield Ridge Trail. In short, the trail from Lafayette to Garfield is significantly rougher than the ridge south of Lafayette.

I have also sent an email about my Sunday plans.

Good luck, whatever you do.
The Garfield Ridge Trail is great fun, but is also definately grueling. When I did it, my route that day was from Greenleaf to Lafayette to Lincoln, back to Lafayette and then on to Garfield, and down the Garfield Trail to a spotted car. I was beat, but thoroughly enjoyed it! Put it back on your list for another time, be prepared for it, and you'll love it too.