Lafayette-Lincoln Loop - Feb 16, 2008

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Saturday Feb 16, 2008

Ascended Falling waters and descended Greenleaf and Old Bridle. Falling waters was in great shape and stayed like that pretty much until the summit. I used my snowshoes the entire way to the summit of Little Haystack. Crampons used on ridge trail due to ice and hardpack snow. Some sections had deep drifts which made for some fun postholes. The drifts are only a minor inconvenience and crampons were the right choice. Used snowshoes for the descent but bare booters made Greenleaf and upper Old Bridle a mess. It was not fun negotiating the postholes on the way down. The snow is very deep and be ready to deal with branches in the face.

Equipment - Snowshoes, Crampons, Poles with deep power baskets, Gore-tex for the snow covered branches. Make sure your shell is rugged enough to handle the branches. I love Mountain hardware!!! It was a very cold day so full face gear and goggles were necessary. I even switched to Down above treeline because of the cold. Insulated Bottle carriers are helpful.

I do not understand why people would bareboot with so much snow. The trail going up was so nice because of snowshoers. I also cant figure out people who hike in cotton. I saw a man in a Carhart type jacket ascending Falling Waters. I dont care what the weather is in Manchester or Boston. Dont bring your construction site gear or your bare boots in the mountains. Friends dont let friends bare boot.