Lafayette/Lincoln Traverse 2/9/08

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Special Equipment: Snowshoes. On the ridge there were some icy spots where even our snowshoes had trouble digging in but we managed by sliding on our butts to get around these sections. Some folks were wearing crampons on the ridge.

Trail Conditions: Plenty of snow. Well-packed trail, less packed at higher elevation. We snowshoed, but some bare-booters on trail. The trees up near top were laden with snow and with the snow pack rising we had to maneuver around branches. We had occasional views on the ridge with this great undercast. We made out Mt. Washington on top of Mt. Lafayette with an undercast leading up to it. Spectacular Winter Wonderland. We thought we would see icy waterfalls on Falling Waters but everything is snow covered. Fun with a pizza party back at my house around the fireplace in Campton.