Legal campsite on Ammo Trail???

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Going up the Ammonoosuc Ravine trail last week, I saw two guys breaking
camp. Their camp was 40-50 feet from the trail, about 10-15 minutes below
the Lakes of the Clouds Hut. I realize the distance from the trail was
probably a little too close (200 feet is encouraged/required, correct?).
But my main question involves their distance from the hut (which was closed). I would say it was about 1/4 mile from the hut. They were above what I would consider treeline, but they were totally hidden by all the scrub/bushes (about 6-8 feet tall). What's the rule on this? When does treeline become stunted treeline become shrubline, etc... The location of this campsite was beautiful, but something told me it was illegal. Help?

p.s. Then on the way down Jewell, we saw a beautiful fire ring about 7 feet off the trail decorated with cigarette butts. Lovely.

p.s.s On a positive note, I think we enjoyed a record high on Washington for Oct 3rd. High 50's.
Rules are 1/4 mile from the hut, and not in the alpine zone which is defined as where trees are 8 feet tall or shorter. Along the Ammo, the 200 foot distance is a suggestion, not a requirement. There should be a FPA sign 1/4 mile from the hut, so if they were behind that sign and in an area where the trees were 8' or higher they would have been legal if not very LNT.
