Lewey Mtn 09-17-2011


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Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
This was a relatively easy bushwhack with uncomplicated route finding. I walked in on the Sucker Brook trail, turned right at 2500', and climbed the steep, narrow east ridge to the top. There were some thick spots and a couple of small cliff bands to skirt higher up, but overall not too bad, plus it provided nice views of Snowy. There are open woods on top but no view. The ridge from the high point to the lower western top was almost park like. There were places I could have walked with arms extended. Going down the southwest ridge from there, it continued pretty open all the way back to the trail. The first mile of the Sucker Brook was a real mess. There were lots of huge downed trees to climb over. Higher up there was no recent wind damage at all. One person signed in after me and must have followed my route as I saw no one. I left the car at 9:35, got to the top at 12:40, and was back at the car by 3:00.