Lily, Round, Buttermilk Ponds, near Brant Lake, Adirondacks, 5-5-08

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Starting from the trailhead on Grassfield Rd., the trail was muddy and wet, but passable, up to Lily Pond and along the loop trail (62A on the ADK Eastern Region map) until just after the beaver pond and junction with the trail to Round Pond (trail 62 southbound). A few minutes past this junction, going eastbound toward Buttermilk, the trail becomes impassable due to water. Southbound on trail 62 toward Round Pond, the trail again turned impassable due to mud, water, and blowdowns. (I returned the way I came.) A sizeable proportion of the puddles, especially closer to the main roads, were due to ruts caused by illegal ATV travel; these puddles could be six to eight inches deep on occasion.