Lincoln Brews & Vittles

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In Rembrance , July 2024
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
While talking with the organizer of the monthly Brews and Vittles last Friday, the potential was discussed of moving the event north up to the Common Man in Lincoln versus Ashland. I am an advocate of the move as I suspect that it may draw more folks from the north country. I suspect that its about equidistant to waterville valley so it shouldnt impact participation for people in that area. I know personally its cuts out 40 miles round trip for me. It also makes it bit more convienient to the folks in twin mountain and might even draw a few folks down from Franconia.

I realize no matter where it moves, it can cut some folks out of the picture so maybe alternate it?

In general I am just looking for comments on whether the shift north would impact someones attendance (If so inclined).
I have to pass both both on the highway; however, Ashland is still an hour from my destination, so I'd be more apt to stop or stay longer in Lincoln than in Ashland.
Will Granny being the recipe north?

Will Jethro get longer pants?

Is Mr Drysdale doing it with his secretary?

This, and many more answers will be revealed on the next, "
As the Booze Turns".

But more seriously, by the time I reach ashland I am ready for a pit stop, although things are pretty close to wrapping up by then, and I like the service there better.

That said, I would like to make more of these, so perhaps having two sets of organized meet ups alternating would work as well.
IIRC, the majority of the core group at Booze and Vittles generally hail from Ashland and points south.

Maybe two separate but related events held on different occaisions would capture the most interest?
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Having two a month, one in Lincoln and one in Ashland, and on different days, sounds like a fine idea. People can do whichever one suits their fancy, or they can do both.

I see nothing but positives, as long as the two are held on two different days.
Great idea Dennis! Lincoln would be much more centrally located to attract a larger audience. But if the current Ashland gang doesn't want to change, then instead of Lincoln perhaps just have a second one each month at Skeets Pub right in Twin Mountain! With the Pool table it can be a fun night.
Better beer at Woodstock Station, and the place does not get too crazy until 8-9 pm or so. In any case, I hope to be up north more often on Friday evenings come this winter, so either Ashland or Lincoln - North Woodstock works for me.
Lincoln's a haul for us, we'd likely make it to fewer than we do now :(
Lincoln's a haul for us (it's the long return drive after a few brews)... but I like the idea of alternating locations... more inclusive.
Better beer at Woodstock Station, and the place does not get too crazy until 8-9 pm or so. .

I hate to disagree, but I can deal without the 'tude at the Station...I haven't been there since one of the brewers Mike McK moved to Oregon several years ago.
In honor of the below drinking age attendees, I think Common man is a bit more kid friendly. It has been many years since I went to the one in Lincoln but I seem to remember some sort of setup like Ashland. At this point is sounds like alternating between the two venues is the best option. Could someone get in touch with the organizer?
In honor of the below drinking age attendees, I think Common man is a bit more kid friendly. It has been many years since I went to the one in Lincoln but I seem to remember some sort of setup like Ashland. At this point is sounds like alternating between the two venues is the best option. Could someone get in touch with the organizer?

I nominate you organizer of the Lincoln Sect. :)

(and now, Dennis, you may *actually* have to join facebook!!!)
I hate to disagree, but I can deal without the 'tude at the Station...I haven't been there since one of the brewers Mike McK moved to Oregon several years ago.

I never thought of Butch Chase, the brew master, as having an attitude. He also saved a life with the Heimlich maneuver a couple of years ago at a craft beer festival. :cool:
I never thought of Butch Chase, the brew master, as having an attitude. He also saved a life with the Heimlich maneuver a couple of years ago at a craft beer festival. :cool:

It wasn't the brewer or brewmaster- it was always the servers/bartenders. Quite a few times.
It wasn't the brewer or brewmaster- it was always the servers/bartenders. Quite a few times.

Butch also bartends two or three nights per week. Maybe because I spend so much time there, they all know me. :rolleyes: But, I still have not perceived an attitude, although I know that I would be really stressed out behind the counter when things get busy.
I wouldn't mind traveling to the Lincoln/Woodstock area so I could get my free beer from Dr. D...and would like to do a meet up sometime at Brenda's Kitchen in Twin Mt., even an after hike one, so I could meet the folks that keep abode in the area!!!! Maybe Bob can give us a review of Brenda's..Lefty E
Review of Brenda's Kitchen & Skeets Pub:

Smaller version of the old Mooseland Grill - more locals than tourists - pool table - no smoking - bottled beer - Tuckerman's - popcorn machine - great seafood - best pizza in Twin Mountain area - open 7 days a week - bar with @ 8 stools - 8 or so tables - wide screen tv - juke box - good buffalo wings and burgers - welcomes hikers skiers, sledders dressed as is - very friendly crowd.

Let us know when your going to be in the area and we'll meet you there!

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