Lincoln Woods Trail washout

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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
Here's a couple of pictures of the washout.

There was almost enough snow (4") down in Lincoln today to ski, but fa-geddit on this trail for now.

Reconstruction plans include a plowed parking lot, heated fee kiosk, restrooms with showers, and snack bar with liquor license. Now where's that little smilie thing.... ;)
It way over used anyway...

I wonder if they could or should just put a bog bridge like thing across the opening. Maybe it would decrease the amount of people that overuse the trail and the water falls. I'm not sure if that is a good idea, maybe it's a good thing having a trail that is flat and very accessable to all even the young, old, and people that do not have the abilities to use other trails. Thats a tuff one. I would love to be able to go to the water falls and swim and use the water slide with less people around, but then again some of the girls that make it down there are pretty nice... hummmm :D ;)
Well, here's my guess. Call me cynical if you want. Or realistic. The die was cast on whether or not the west-side trail will be reconstructed way back when the old Wilderness Trail was upgraded to the fancier Lincoln Woods Trail. First the parking lot was enlarged, then pit toilets were added, then the parking lot was enlarged again, then the pit toilets became flush toilets (I hear), then the nice little log cabin for the USFS was built, now there's an even larger kiosk trailhead thing at the suspension bridge, and so on and so forth. Maybe I have the order wrong but those are the basic upgrades to this trail since I first started using it. What are they gonna do with all that stuff if they let the ski trail wither and downgrade this path? USFS doesn't want a convenient excuse to shrink usage here, even if they may have to hustle to find funds to repair it. My bet: reconstruction will occur, maybe not this winter but before next winter. Any wagers?
Waumbeks right, they have too much invested in that trail to close it down. Btw, don't the bathrooms at that trailhead also have a stove in them to keep them warm?
Avatarily speaking...


Has Mt. Jefferson succumbed to global warming and rising sea levels? :)
Washout repaired

According to a trip report under trail conditions the washout has been repaired
Posted by Fred S on December 21st
The Wilderness Trail is easy traveling: wide and flat. The washout has been completely repaired