Listen to your heart...and be well

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Sep 4, 2003
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MA. Avatar: Pat,Audrey,& Leo on N Moat
I want to tell a little story about my health that has been a wake-up call. It appears that about 2 months ago I contracted a virus that caused my bone marrow to slow down red blood cell production. As I got less and less oxygen, my heart rate speeded up to compensate, and hiking got very very difficult. Heck, even a flight of stairs was a chore.

Bad days alternated with some good ones, so that my resolve to see the doctor would be put on hold, until a high fever and other symptoms landed me in the hospital with severe anemia. I received four units of blood and feel fabulous once again, though we need to make sure I am producing red cells again.

So, especially if you are getting a bit older, don't ignore what your body is trying to tell you. Hiking is a wonderful benchmark against which you can measure your health.
Hello Audrey!

I'm glad that you are feeling well again! It's so true, you have to listen to what your body is telling you.
Wishing you and Pat many more years of healthy hiking together.

I am so glad you are doing better. Thanks for sharing your experience. We all have to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us.

Best regards and keep on hiking.

Your friend,
Wow...scary story. Happy to hear you are feeling much better and just in time for winter hiking!
Best wishes! :D
Audrey, glad to hear your feeling better, how's your circulation now? If your feet are cold and you find yourself rooting for NY sports teams you might have received some of "my" blood! :D I have been donating blood regulary every year for a while since a good friend found herself in need. It's my way of helping others since financially things are tight. I just hate hearing the new machine going "beep, beep, beep". I still turn white as a ghost but do it anyway. Get well soon so we can make a small Super Bowl of health to Pat. David
Yikes! Glad to hear you're on the mend, Audrey. You're now the second person I know in the past 6 months to have an "unexpected" anemia. This is something I'd never thought of before and now am going to keep a guarded lookout for. Feel better!!!
Wow, scary stuff. Glad to hear things are improving. I also was sidelined pretty hard when I came down with Gillians Barre about 6 yrs ago. A very rare auto immune disorder. It certainly puts things in perspective. We do take our health for granted at times......Stay healthy to hike and hike to stay healthy!

good luck
Hey Audrey,
Good to know you feel better! It is so easy to ignore pain as an active person, so hard to decide whether to pop some Advil vs. get some rest.

If you need some extra red blood cells, let me know :)
Very glad to hear you're on the mend, Audrey. And, would like to endorse your sentiments about listening to your body, especially when new aches/pains/symptons persist over days and weeks.
Add me to the list of those who are glad you're feeling better! I suppose you could blame it on the Arizona water? :eek:

Thanks for the tip about monitoring things as we get older...I figure I have about 20 more years and then I'll have to start worrying about that. :D
Oh shoot!!!

That virus I mentioned ain't a virus, it's leukemia.

I wrestled with posting about my health here, but it's a great venue for passing along a website where I've decided to keep a journal at the urging of several members who have been through the fire.

There is room for messages and comments there so that we don't burden the VFTT website.

It's at
