Long Hike in Catskills 5/14 or 15


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Sep 2, 2004
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Ulster County, NY Avatar: Chapel Pond From Giant M
Anyone up for some mileage (15 miles or so) in the Catskills next weekend?
I want to get in at least one more long hike as training before the Escarpment hike on 5/21. I'm thinking maybe a Devil's Path traverse from Prediger Rd to Stony Clove. I know several folks have just done this so it might not be the best time. Some other ideas:

1) Start @ Meads Mt. Road, hike over Overlook all the way to the DP, then over Indian Head, Twin and Sugarloaf and back out the south end of the Mink Hollow Trail. This would obviously require a car spot. It would be about 18.5 miles, closer to 20 if it included a quick detour to Echo Lake.
Edit: On second thought, I'd actually want to do this one in reverse, since that way the hard climbing would be early in the day and a decision could be made towards the end about whether or not to hit the spurs to Echo Lake and /or Overlook fire tower.

2) Walk the length of the Pine Hill-West Branch Trail, about 14.9 miles, w/ maybe a quick 'whack up to Big Indian thrown in.

3) This long loop around the Beaver Kill Range/Beaver Kill Ridge area that I belive ERD is doing this weekend as a backpack. Not sure of the mileage of that one. I'll see what Ted has to say about it.

4)The classic Burroughs Range loop w/o car spot. Probably the least exciting for me, since I've done it. An alternative would be to hike from Dennnig all the way to Wittenberg, then back the same way.

5) Something else?

The objective here is to do a lot of miles as a day hike. It wouldn't have to be really fast, but a good steady pace would be a must. Any interest or ideas?

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I would love to come along Matt but being w/o a car is a real PITA as far as my hikng plans are concerned. It has seriously reduced my flexibilty! Right now I'm thinking of staying 2 or 3 more days after the Escarpment Trail hike and doing a bunch more mountains then, kind of jealous that you and Jay got do 4 of those Catskill 100's w/o me, oh well......

Right now I'm thinking of going to that area over the ridge from Phoenica on Sunday the 22nd and spending 2-3 days hiking and exploring.
I might be interested if you go on Saturday. I need to check little league and soccer schedules first.
Never hiked in the Catskills only in the Dacks.
alistair said:
I might be interested if you go on Saturday. I need to check little league and soccer schedules first.
Never hiked in the Catskills only in the Dacks.

It probably would be Saturday if the weather's okay. Are you sure you'd be up for a really long hike for your first time in the Catskills?
