Long Path planning


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Jan 19, 2009
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I'm tentatively planning two weeks of backpacking on the Long Path for early May this year... last year I did from NYC to Vernon, NJ before my knee gave out on me, so I'm thinking of going from Altamont to NY 44/55 (New Paltz as an end destination) in May. I'd like to hear a bit about the northern section from people who already know a little bit about it, though.

I have many questions, but the first is the big one: how well marked is the trail? The quality of the guide book's maps makes me hope that I'd be able to follow the trail without a map at all. I haven't been to the Catskills in many years, but I can't remember how easy it was to follow the Long Path there. The road walks would also be a bit tricky if not signed well.

There are several other questions I have, but they're mostly smaller. One of the bigger ones on my mind is if anyone knows of a good place to leave a car at the north end for two weeks (that could be tricky). And also, when do the leaves start to come out in the Catskills? Is early May late enough?

Any input would be appreciated... Every time I look at my pictures from several years ago in the Catskills I get a little more excited about the idea of doing this trail...
If you get/have the NYNJTC mapset of the Catskills, you'll see the LP route and have the mileage. I'm not sure how well the LP guide is in the catskills, but it probably is purely focused on the LP. Be aware of the recent rediction of the LP on Plateau, it follows a new trail down towards Mt Tremper and no longer requires a road walk on SR214 by Notch Lake. It's on the latest Catskill mapset as a dotted line as it wasn't finished til recently. I don't know if the LP has corrected this in the guidebook or as an addendum.

As far as New Paltz go, you might be able to leave a car at the Trailways bus station perhaps... There's also the Park N Ride over by the thruway but I've never tried to leave a car there over an extended period of time (technically you're not supposed to be there overnight). You could also probably get away with leaving a car at the Water street boat launch for the Walkill close to downtown...

You'll still have to do the 6ish mile road walk from Phoenicia to Woodland Valley as the proposed trail over Romer mtn is just that...proposed...

South of Sundown and Peekamoose Mtn, is a bit tricky navigation wise as there is a section of woods road walk before you hit VerNooyKill falls...

And you wont find too many actual LP blazes in the catskills, so you'll have to know navigation which is where the TC maps are handy for the catskills if you want an overall sense of direction.

Thanks for the info, Jay. I do have a set of Catskill maps from 2001 or 2002... is it worth getting the new ones or are there relatively few changes since then? I do love that tyvek they're printed on...

What I meant with the car was to try to leave it in or near Altamont, not New Paltz. From what I remember of New Paltz, my (probably crazy) idea was to hike south to New Paltz, and try to hitch a ride with some rock climbers up to Albany or somewhere nearby. The LP Guide mentions places to park at Altamont, but it's not specific about what those areas are like. I'm guessing they're just a pull-off on the side, so not great for leaving a car for two weeks.

I'm guessing I'll be able to figure out the blazes north of the catskills. Is the LP pretty good about having the standard "aqua" blazes everywhere besides the catskills?
Oh, oops, sorry, don't know anything about Altamont...

No reason to get a new catskills mapset just for the LP, the only redirection that I know is the one I mentioned for Plateau.

I don't think the LP folks reblaze anything on state land that already has a marker. You will see some LP blazes in the catskills on the road walks and stuff but not really much on the trail.

You might also be aware that north of Windham High Peak got hit by a huge ice storm 2 or 3 winters ago and there was a lot of work to clear the blazes but I don't know if the entire section between Windham and Huntersfield has been cleared and of course, winter isn't over yet.

I live about 10 minutes from Altamont. I could check for you the next time I'm out and about, though I'm not all that familiar enough with the town to be able to recommend places to park.

There have been several re-routings of the trail up this way in recent years. Some discussion about the northern section is found here. Be aware that the section just west of Thatcher Park to Roemer's High Point is now closed (private land), necessitating a road walk of a couple of miles (well marked on trees/telephone poles).

You might want to have a chat with the ranger at Thatcher Park, who might be able to answer some of your questions.

Good luck!
As Jay mentioned regarding the LP, the 2005 (eighth) edition of the NY/NJ Catskill Map Set has only one significant change from the 2001 (seventh) edition. A new section of the LP has opened between Silver Hollow Notch and the summit of Plateau Mountain. It basically follows the SW ridge of Plateau (Daley Ridge) up to the Devil's Path. It was first shown as proposed on the 2005 map. The route of the new LP section is shown in this concise description on the NY/NJ website. A more detailed description was in the Sept/Oct 2007 NY/NJ newsletter which can be read in this PDF file on the NY/NJ TC website. This new section is well marked at both ends and over the entire route.

The other proposed reroute shown on the 2001 map over Romer, Pleasant, Cross Mountains south of Phoenicia is still in the planning stages and not open yet.

The sections of the LP from Albert Slater Road, over Huntersfield, Ashland Pinnacle, around Richmond, and over Pisgah to CR-10 has considerable blowdown from 2006-2008 ice storms. It may be difficult to follow in some sections, yet still doable. Hiking these sections in May will avoid the worst of the nettles and brambles that intrude and further obscure the path later in the summer. On the summit of Huntersfield take the short yellow trail loop around the summit which offers three very nice views, one at the fairly new lean-to which would be a very attractive overnight location.

A short distance south of Thatcher Park, the Long Path over Roemer's High Point has been closed, and rerouted onto nearby local town roads. It is a real shame as Roemer's High Point offered a very nice view.

There are still many road walk sections. But even they are through some pretty countryside. Viewpoints abound in the trail sections. The Middleburgh Cliffs and Vroman's Nose sections are a couple of my favorites.
Thanks for all the feedback! I don't have my guidebook with me at the moment, but I'll be taking notes in it soon... is the NYNJTC web page with all the updates on the reroutes and whatnot accurate and up-to-date? I've had my eye on that one for a little while.

Funny thing... when I bailed out last year, I seem to have perfectly avoided the forest fires in the Gunks, so that made me feel less bad about that whole thing.

I'll take a look through my guidebook this weekend and see if I have any more specific questions about all of this. In the meantime, thanks again!
is the NYNJTC web page with all the updates on the reroutes and whatnot accurate and up-to-date? I've had my eye on that one for a little while.
I just took a quick look over the NYNJTC Long Path webpage. I did not see any mention of the recent Roemer High Point closing / reroute onto roads (noted in prior posts in this thread). Otherwise from my knowledge of the LP (primarily Shawangunks and Catskills) it appears to be complete. For instance it does describe the new (August 2008) southern approach to Sam's Point up the South Gully from Route 52.
Sounds good to me... I also noticed something on that ADK forum you linked to that there may be a lean-to in Thatcher State Park which is not mentioned in the LP guidebook. I'll have to check on that, because otherwise it looks like the first legal camping opportunities are 23 miles into the trail or so.

Also, the break in the trail on Sickler's Mountain seems to necessitate a roadwalk... Any idea of that roadwalk is blazed in any way?

Thanks again for your help.
Sounds good to me... I also noticed something on that ADK forum you linked to that there may be a lean-to in Thatcher State Park which is not mentioned in the LP guidebook. I'll have to check on that, because otherwise it looks like the first legal camping opportunities are 23 miles into the trail or so.

Although it is an Adirondack style lean-to, to my knowledge it has always been referred to as a "warming hut" and I believe used to have a sign to that effect. It used to have a warming barrel right in the lean-to. My guess (only a guess) is that it is not intended for overnight use, but the ranger would know.