Long Trail--Is this do-able?


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Active member
Sep 4, 2003
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Boise, Idaho
Hey all,

I'm planning on making my first section-hike trip to the Long Trail the week after Memorial Day. I'll either start on the afternoon of Memorial Day, or that Tuesday morning.

Would I be biting off way more than I can chew with this itinerary?

DAY 1: A very leisurely start, hiking just to the Seth Warner Shelter, 2.8 miles from the MA border.

DAY 2: Hike to Congdon Shelter, 7.2 miles

DAY 3: Hike to Melville Nauheim Shelter, 5.9 miles

DAY 4: Hike to Goddard Shelter, 8.5 miles

DAY 5: Hike to Kelly Stand Road in Stratton 10.2 miles

Lastly ... will anyone be in VT either Monday/Tuesday or that Friday to offer a car ride??? :D

Thanks for any and all advice. I'm guessing that the mileage here is more than do-able, particularly since this is the lower portion of the LT, which will be not as rocky or hilly as I'm used to in NH.

VERY, VERY doable. You will find yourself with lots of time at the shelters and there is a lot of exploring you can do.

Remember that your first day will involving more than 2.8 miles as you have to hike to the start of the VT border either on the AT or on a side trail.

We got to Seth Warner and pushed on the first day to Congdon with LARGE packs and a first time backpacker, so you shouldn't have any problems.

Goddard shelter is my FAVORITE, enjoy it as they are planning on moving it which is a shame.

Have a blast and let me know if I can help with any specific questions.

You won't have any trouble with your itinerary... the mileage is very doable and the terrain is beautiful. I saw my first-ever porcupine at Seth Warner Shelter near the water source and remember it foundly. :)

There are a few ups & downs in there but the only portion of those sections I found really tough was the long haul up Glastenbury. In the end you get the awesome payoff of Goddard Shelter, which was one of my favorite spots in Vermont as well... definitely get up early and take in the sunrise from the fire tower on Glastenbury.

You're going to have an awesome trip! :)

- Ivy
poison ivy said:
I saw my first-ever porcupine at Seth Warner Shelter near the water source and remember it foundly. :)- Ivy

You want Porky's ? Come to the Catskills, sometimes I think they are the dominant form of life there! :)
It will be very doable, so enjoy yourself. Goddard shelter is wonderful, and I don't think they'll be moving it soon as it's brand new. They should also be done fixing the fire tower by now-when we hiked through last June it was closed! Have a great time and I'm envious.
GBKDalton said:
It will be very doable, so enjoy yourself. Goddard shelter is wonderful, and I don't think they'll be moving it soon as it's brand new. They should also be done fixing the fire tower by now-when we hiked through last June it was closed! Have a great time and I'm envious.

Yes, Goddard is brand new BUT there was an article in the publication they mail out to members that specifically states that there is plans for the shelter to be relocated. Maybe someone with the Long Trail publication handy can give the details.

The firetower was open last August.

Wouldn'tcha know it...i've got my copy of the Long Trail News right here at the office.

Pg. 16 "We are working on the final details for replacing Goddard Shelter on Glastenbury Mtn this summer. We are also renovating the Galstenbury fire tower with the U.S. Forest Service."

So they aren't relocating Goddard, but replacing it. It sure didn't seem in need of replacing when we were there last Aug. The privy, well, that was another story all together.

I work in S. VT and could be probably be talked into picking you up at Kelly Stand Rd and taking you (I'm guessing) back to your car at the MA border? It would have to be toward evening though....like after 5:00. Let me know.

Toe Cozy
Toe Cozy said:
Wouldn'tcha know it...i've got my copy of the Long Trail News right here at the office.

Pg. 16 "We are working on the final details for replacing Goddard Shelter on Glastenbury Mtn this summer. We are also renovating the Galstenbury fire tower with the U.S. Forest Service."

So they aren't relocating Goddard, but replacing it. It sure didn't seem in need of replacing when we were there last Aug. The privy, well, that was another story all together.

Toe Cozy

Thanks Jen . . . funny that we were just talking about this same issue this past weekend, isn't it? The shelter looked GREAT and since we were there during an actual hurricane and didn't have any noticible leaks, I'd say the shelter worked better than great. :)

That privy was DISGUSTING, they should just replace that.

Toe Cozy said:
I work in S. VT and could be probably be talked into picking you up at Kelly Stand Rd and taking you (I'm guessing) back to your car at the MA border? It would have to be toward evening though....like after 5:00. Let me know.

Toe Cozy

Lisa, A car ride with Toe Cozy would be a great way to finish off your section hike, her sense of humor is always a welcome treat :D


Hey Toe Cozy,

Thanks for the offer! I've PM'd you to see if we can work out something.

That privy was DISGUSTING, they should just replace that.

I don't have my long Trail news at the office but if I recall correctly isn't there a trail project day that includes building a new privy or am I thinking of a different shelter?
I do a week each summer on the LT and you will find this section very doable. You'll probably have lots of extra time on your hands. The trail will be very muddy. I recomend starting on the Pine Cobble trail in Williamstown for your start. It's a great college town so good place to get a bagel and coffee to start your day. We had no problems with our car parked at that trailhead and it was a fun stretch to the border that way. PM me if you have any specific questions. :)