Looking for a ride!


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New member
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
near Albany, NY
I am interested in riding my bike from the Lake Placid area (Keene Valley would be fine too!) to the Albany area.

If you wouldn't mind transporting a friendly biker and her bike north from Albany, I would greatly appreciate it!

Midweek is preferred, as an early start time would also be advantagous since I plan to ride south that day.

If this fits into your schedule this week or this spring, please send me an email or PM.

Thanks ,
Inge Aiken
East Greenbush, NY

PS If you would like to join me for the ride, maybe would could work something out with that also - any ideas?:)

I didn't know you were posting under this username now . . . :)

I will possibly be able to give you a ride up there either Mon or Wed morning next week (May 10th or May 12th). My bike rack has been "acting up" lately but I am sure I can find a way to keep it strapped on for the trip. I will know better which day by tomorrow night. If you can use the ride either of those days let me know. Sounds like a FUN trip. TTYL,

Thanks so much!

Hi Seema!

As of now I have already been graciously offered a ride on Wed (5/12)!!
What a kind and supportive group of people VFTT is!!

Our trip is weather dependent, so I'll let you know if I need to make arrangements for another day.

PS. I still have some spare bike gear around if you need some odds and ends. Would you have any use for a pair of road shoes? They are size 39 (I'll have to double check that), unused and top of the line.