Looking for "book time" hiking companions


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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Brookline, MA
I am very slowly recovering from the effects of a prolonged period of inactivity, and am currently barely able to make "book time" on fairly easy trips like Moosilauke by Glencliff or Lincoln by Falling Waters. While my regular hiking companions have been very kind, it is really inappropriate for me to ask them to slow down for me.

Normally that would not be a problem, as within limits I am perfectly happy to hike alone. But this winter I am having great difficulty getting motivated; here I am on a perfectly good day, staying at home instead of hiking.

So I am looking for companions who would be comfortable hiking at my geriatric pace up easy to intermediate peaks (by "peaks" I mean 4,000 footers :) ). While I do have a list of peaks I would like to do for the second time, I am more interested in being out than in bagging peaks.

I would love to hike on both days of most weekends. Next weekend I have a hike scheduled for Saturday, but would be happy to do something else on Sunday. Midweek trips are also a possibility, but I am often (and unpredictably) in Massachusetts mid-week.
Hey Mohamed,

I will keep you posted on my trips by email. I hike slowly but I am doing many of the more "challenging" hikes so if you are interested in any of them as you begin to recover I would love the company.

We have tried before to get together and I also hike at what you call a geriatric pace. Tecumsa in the rain at 3 hours even up and an hour and a half down for example.

I live just outside of Boston and am willing to do a peak or two when ever we can schedule.

I have plans to go to Bromley this coming weekend and hit the AT for an overnighter while my kid skis for a couple of days.

Any time and any peak you suggest.

Mohamed -- I would definitely be interested in weekend hikes as I usually hike along at a slow pace. I'm up for the easy to intermediate peaks as the only two peaks I've done in winter so far are Willey and Field. I've been concerned about joining groups and slowing everyone down after hiking those two peaks with Donna & Julie.

My husband & I are planning to hike Adams this coming weekend. After that I'm open to any suggestions. :)

- Ivy

Thanks for the offer!!

I almost live in the White Mountain National Forest, with about one third of the 4,000 footer trailheads within 45 minutes of home. So driving five hours to get to the Adirondacks does not excite me very much. I may attempt Marcy this winter if my fitness improves fast enough, but that seems to be for next year.
cantdog said:
Since I need Lincoln(preferably by Falling Waters) and Moosilauke(preferably by Glencliff) this winter, you are in luck. I see that you are booked Saturday, but I could do either on Sunday, weather permitting.
Moosilauke by Glencliff has much less exposure than Lincoln, so let us plan for Sunday: Lincoln in really good weather, Moosilauke in lesser weather, and a below treeline peak to be determined (or no hike) in case of bad weather.

If we do Lincoln let us plan on a stop at Shining Rock on the way down! If Moosilauke we might also do the South Peak.

In either case I would estimate three hours to get to the ridge, 45 minutes each way on the ridge, and two hours to go down, for a total of betwen six and seven hours. That is about book time on the way up, slower on the way down as I run out of gas.

Anyone interested in a slow hike is welcome to "sign up" here, I will start emailing around Thursday when the forecast is clearer.
Keep me posted Mohamed! I haven't been up north for a few weeks and would enjoy some company as well!!

I need both the peaks you mentioned for winter and have never done Moosilauke.

I'm often up for friday hikes so keep me on your list!

Mohamed, I wish my winter wasn't so darn busy! I have a few on my short list that are in your area, that I would really like to get to this winter. Alas, I seem to be spending more time in other states. May be short notice, but if they come up, I'll drop you a line (Osceolas, Hancocks, Whiteface/Sleeper). I hike at a slow pace as you likely know (.9-1.1 SKU) ;)

Chalk up another slowbie here! I can't do this Sunday, since we're planning on Washington then (as a "warm-up" to Katahdin, go figure). But after February I'm open to any good, slow hikes in the Whites. So keep me in mind if you're looking for someone, last minute, to join you.
Interested in slower hiking trips

I haven't been hiking as much as I used to, so I am definitely interested. Can't go on Sunday. Am available on Fridays.:)
Sunday Hike: Lincoln or Moosilauke

cantdog, KenC,

Please send me your email adresses so that we can start planning for Sunday. Anyone else interested is welcome to contact me.

NWS forecast is still ambiguous, cold but nothing said about the wind.

Welcome to the Pokey Fogies! Sounds like you're ripe for some Forty Plus hikes. Check out the listings in Outdoors. In particular, we'll be doing our snowshoe weekend at Cardigan on Feb 6-8. I'm pretty sure we still have room, and we'd love to have you.
Bob Kittredge said:

Welcome to the Pokey Fogies! Sounds like you're ripe for some Forty Plus hikes.

I know that I am old.
I know that I am in bad shape.

That said, I am not yet ready to join Forty-Plus. My idea of an easy winter hike is Moosilauke or Lincoln at a relaxed pace, not Harold Palmer State Forest :)

Seriously, looking at your listings on the web (I am in Brookline, my Outdoors is in Thornton) I do not see a single 4,000 footer hike in winter. The snow shelters workshop might be fun, though. Grownups playing in the snow :)

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