Looking for company Mt. Washington 11/19 and 12/30


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Mike P.

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
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Colchester, CT
It's been 13 years since I've last been up Lion's head Summer route - (Last Washington trips were June & then 11/18/04).

As I/we've done for Madison & Adams, I plan a November trip up the Presidential peak I want to later in the winter. This year it's Washington & instead of March thinking Avalanche danger should be lower December, Decemeber 30th is the target date. Planning on staying in area night before & starting 7:00 ish

The other thing the November date does besides getting a tad familiar with the terrain (it's usually different in winter but Nov. memories will be better than 08/92 memories) is to get familiar with potential new hiking partners/friends. If I'm too slow & or you're really more gung-ho on the summit than I am (or vicea versea) better to find out in November than in winter.

Ideal candidates, fun, proper gear, if not plastic boots well tested system, want to summit but not die doing so, some winter experience as this shouldn't be considered a first winter hike.

If weather is really bad (projected to be 60+ - maybe 50+ winds & temps in teens or so windchill is in area of -30 & visibility expected to be under 100 feet - maybe missing a zero there) November option would likely be Cabot & if December weather sounds similar but even colder, Carter Dome or Middle Carter. If I don't do Washington in November or get 90% of the way up, I won't try it in December - Then I'll do one of the Carter Trips.

Other options entertained. (Isolation either month, Wildcats December, Waumbek, December, Field & Tom November,)
If weather is really bad (projected to be 60+ - maybe 50+ winds & temps in teens or so windchill is in area of -30 & visibility expected to be under 100 feet - maybe missing a zero there)

The nice thing about the Lions head route is that you know pretty quickly after you reach LH if you will summit. That stretch between LH and the summit cone to me is psychologically the hardest, winds blowing right in your face, no visibility to speak of. First time I turned around at LH, second time I battled through it.

Let us know when you get closer to the date and the Obs now has a good tool for projecting higher summits weather..updated early each morning. http://www.mountwashington.org/weather/mountains.html
lions head

I have to agree with kevin, Lions head has 2 routes and depending on snowfall you could be on 2 routes nov verses dec. Just wanted to add the Lions head winter route is imo is very good, I always enjoy that ascent. The avalanche danger on the winter route is ussually low, but its always important to check av. conditions before any ascent, once the winter sets in.
Post your trip closer to the date and maybe IL join you, I do many winter ascents of Washington every year, dont care which route, I love them all.
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Last year's parking lot debate got me turned off the other side, although when I did it last November, the train was not running & their lot was empty, just me & their resident fox.

Also thinking that economically, the ski train is not a money maker & eventually will close allowing the road to be used for sleds again solving the snowmobile issue. So better get used to the "standard winter side of the Rockpile."

I know the bottom section of LH is going to be different but once you reach Lion's Head to the cone, it should be pretty similar. My goal on terrain will be to refamiliarize myself so in better than white out but less than fair conditions I might recognize some features so I don't step into a Ravine or Raymond's Cataract. On C-Path above the hut I'm pretty confident I'd recognize features so I'd have an idea of where I was at any point. I don't have that confidence on LH & want to gain some of it before I try in winter. While most peaks I don't mind doing solo (over 1/2 of 25 peaks + 5 2x I've done I've done solo) Washington, Jefferson & at this point the Bonds are ones I have left I prefer not doing solo.

On a good Saturday I undersatnd it might be hard to "solo" Washington via LH.

I'll keep people posted.
I know, how much will be left? worse part is that the ice will not be a good base layer for future layers to stick to.

Planning on at least crampons & axe, so far snowshoes don't seem appropriate as it was ice pellets & grapel (which is what? some type of ice or wind effected snowflake) which should not allow IMO much post holeing
graUpel = snow pellets or irregular sleet-like snow things... they made a typo...
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Mike P. said:
Planning on at least crampons & axe, so far snowshoes don't seem appropriate as it was ice pellets & grapel (which is what? some type of ice or wind effected snowflake) which should not allow IMO much post holeing
The observer's comments (see "past comments" off http://www.mountwashington.org/index.html) uses the word glazed and suggests crampons and ice axe.

The avalanche report (http://www.mountwashington.org/avalanche/) says "Over the weekend and into Monday the Summit received 34 inches (86cm) of frozen precipitation! I say frozen precipitation and not snow because the majority came in the form of heavy ice pellets and iced grapel [graupel] for a melted equivalent of 16.62 inches (42.21cm)!" This suggests a rather dense surface. Should be firm if frozen, could posthole if wet, soft, and poorly bonded.

Bumping Thread up as 11/19 is coming up.

Plan is still to head up from PNVC via Tucks & Lion's head. If weather (mostly wind over 50 MPH) makes this an bad destination, would opt for either Cabot or Isolation.

Staying in Gorham, plan would be to leave Gorham around 6:00 AM Saturday AM.
going to be up there this weekend - will do a trip report - much can change in a week - but it may help you a little as far as snow depth, etc..- keep an eye out sunday or monday for the report.

Depending on your experience, I would like to invite you to join myself and one other gentlemen from the Connecticut Climbers and Mountaineers to summit Mt. Washington Via the Dry River trail. It is a dual-overnight affair, dates Dec. 28-30th. Please let me know if you are interested.

In winter I'd be looking at only doing it as a day hike. My camping skills are miminal in warmer weather, IMO camping may be harder to do in winter than the climbing part, both take gear & experience with the gear, I'm pretty comfortable with boots, crampons, axe, etc. tents, stoves, melting snow & -sleeping in zero or below weather would all be new.

Thanks for the invite, But I'll pass. I did see your plan on this bbs. There could be some avalanche danger in Oakes Gulf too, problem is they do not patrol it & provide a rating for it so you'll need to be able to make that assessment yourself. Wind from a more northerly direction or NNW would blow a bunch of snow off the area around LOC & vicinity & NNW of Boott Spur onto the Oakes Gulf headwall.
Hay Mike.

I can't get Mt. Washington out of my mind. I'm surprised I can still put in an eight hour work day.

If Mt. Washington is not a go on 11/19, then I would like to vote for Isolation. I've bushwhacked up it in winter and I would like to get there via the trails, since I'll be heading back there with Jenifer next summer.

7 days and counting.

Farmer Bob
I would like to try Washington via LH if that is still a go on Sat - weather depending of course. I have winter hiking experience although I have only spent 4 days traveling with crampons, so need to gain experience there.
Too early to tell but from what I can glean from the Long Range forecast over the weekend is that a front should go through on Wednesday Evening & Thursday at least in Southern New England will be cold & probably brisk.
Figuring this weather can stick around up north longer that makes Friday seem interesting, my plan is to try & get up Mt. Pemi Friday afternnoon.

Will know more tomorrow & Thursday, my last day in office but I'm thinking we are a go. I'm planning on staying at Hiker's Paradise Friday Evening & Plan will be to meet there Friday Night for those staying in Gorham or at PNVC Saturday Morning around 6:30 - 7:00 ish. Time & place (likely Pack room in lower level) to be nailed down later in the week. (Thursday at latest)

Me, I'll be wearing EMS Fleece shirt (purple) hiking pants either Khaki or black, black EMS 3000 pack likely with yellow Grivel snowshoes, in need of a shave, dark brown hair, some gray. Red Forester CT plates with VFTT window Decals on both sides & AMC on 1 side.
we went up and around the west side on saturday. I don't know if you read Giggy's trip report. conditions at and above tree line are full winter. there are pockets of deep snow, but it's primarily crampons and poles. we used ice axes for a chosen ascent where they were needed near the top. the wind was howling and I was happy to be covered top to bottom in capilene, fleece, gortex, gaiters and wool. there's nothing bad about staying warm. see my avatar and the pictures in the trip report. good luck. we had a perfect day, I hope you do too.
agree with chip - last weekend - it was much like a early spring day - cold in the am - heating up as day went on - wind was a factor up high in spots -
Mike P,

I have decided to try something a little more mellow for Sat. Have a great day whatever you do!
