Looking for company Mt. Washington 11/19 and 12/30


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Change of plans for 12/30

After too much time rock hopping with Crampons, Bob & I have decided that the 12/30 trip will go up Ammo. If wind is too much for a trip to Washington but not life threatening, would opt for Monroe.

On a great nearly windless day would go up Washington & down via Jewell, on a Day like this past Saturday, aabout 10-12 degrees with wind 30- 45 MPH if in your face on C-Path heading towards Washington, might consider Monroe & continue South & down Edmands.

Weather will play key role in decision making as we approach hut.
Bumping up as date is approaching in 9 days. Farmer Bob had to pull out due to health issues.

Discussions with a couple of others at this point but only confirmed hiker going on 12/30 is me.

Solo - winter - Washington? I'll see what the weather brings. If this post does not change the group (beyond one) I can always change the location or if it looks good, try Monroe. I've done 40% of my winter 4's solo. (10/25 + 5 repeats with 13/30 solo)
you probably already know this - but lions head winter is open now.

you won't be soling anything! hahahaha - there will be loads of folks up there good/bad weather - and everything in between.

have fun!!

opps sorry didn't see your are planning the ammo - disregard

lions head winter is fun if you never did it and better chance it will be broken out.
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