Looking for hiking partners from NYC


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New member
Mar 27, 2005
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Hey there,

I'm new around here, and pretty new to hiking, but I have done 20+ day hikes and a couple of weekend backpacks over the past year, mostly in the Catskills and ADKs. I've done almost all of my hiking solo, but I would like company... I have weekends off and have a little 4WD, so I can drive (split gas costs?)...

A little about me: I'm definitely not a 'speed hiker' or a light & fast packer, have a rabid interest in natural history, trees, shrubs, birds, critters... I sometimes bring field guides and try to learn about the surroundings... and just for the heck of it (and the views) I've bagged a few of the bigger Catskill mounts such as Indian Head, Plateau, Wittenberg (thrice), Cornell (twice), Slide (twice), Balsam and Haynes.

I want to take on some map & compass bushwhacking soon, maybe Doubletop from Big Indian for a start. I'm also dyin' to do the backpack down to the Five Ponds in the ADKs...

However, I'll go anywhere -- NJ Highlands, Harriman, 'Gunks, Taconic/Berkshires... It's all good!

Anybody from NYC or vicinity looking for a chance to get out more?
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Welcome to VFTT Rongon. I don't live in the city, but I'm a couple hours north up in the Hudson Valley here. I hike a lot in the Catskills and Shawangunks and plan on getting up to the ADKs a fair amount this year. I'm also up for stuff in the Hudson Highlands, etc.

Like you, I only recently became a "frequent hiker."
Also like you, I'm interested in learning more about natural history, vegetation, critters, etc. The Catskills are not only a fantastic place to hike for their own sake, but they are also a wonderful place to work on map and compass and other skills. I've done Doubletop twice, once as a solo from the route you mention, once w/ others from Seager. Great mountain-I'd be up to hike it again from either direction.

You'll have no trouble finding folks to hike w/ here. As for folks to drive up from the city with, there are several very active and cool members of this forum who live in the NYC/Jersey area. Stay tuned.

You might consider joining in with many VFTTers on the Escape the Escarpment hike coming up on May 21st. It should be a great hike (but challenging), you'll meet plenty of like minded hikers, and at the same time do some fund raising for a good cause.

Pb (a fellow NYCer)
and Papa Bear tell Rongon about your monthly gathering in NYC. I'd like to make it but it just is too far a drive for a few beers which I usually abstain from. And gas, parking and tolls - I'd rather spend the time and money going in the other direction. But from what I can tell for a new NYC VFTT member - it is a great socializer.
I live in Florida, NY 90minutes N of the City. I have climbed 44 of the ADK high peaks. Many of these trips have been solo but I have also joined and even initiated trips on VFTT. I encourage you to keep an eye on this site.

The long drive to the dacks can get to be a pain, and I would love some company. Can anyone do week day hiking?