looking for regular hikers near Boston


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New member
Jul 29, 2004
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Boston, MA
I have recently moved to Boston, and I would like to find people here that are into hiking. I have not been hiking for a while (6 months at least), and I want to get back into it. About a year ago, I did Mt. Madison, but my hiking adventures rapidly fell after that. I need to find people who are interested in doing some smaller hikes, maybe one a week. I'm thinking nothing bigger than Mt. Monadnock in NH, and Mt. Wachusett and Watatic are also good targets. Once I get myself back in shape, I can think about going back to 4kers. Also, I can't drive, but I can contribute gas money! :)
There are no "regular hikers" just those of us that hike regularly!
Well, with MichaelJ's knowledge of every darn privy in the Whites, I'd say he's as "regular" as they get ;)

Tech: watch the boards, and invite yourself to a VFTT hike. Dorchester is a bit south for most of us, but you should be able to get a ride up north with a bit of effort. As HarryK says, always room for a fellow VFTTer.
Imp Shelter's privy is in fine condition with minimal odor and a pleasant seat.

Carter Notch Hut is back to having Men on the left and Women on the right.

One of these days I'll enumerate the gas stations and DD's on the drive down Rte 16.