Looking for remote lean-tos in the Catskills


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Apr 23, 2005
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How much winter use do the Biscuit Brook and the Shandaken Hollow lean-tos get? I'm trying to find a lean-to in the catskills that doesnt get very much use. Somewhat remote, although it seems most lean-tos in the catskills are only a couple of miles from the trail head. Any suggestions would be appreciated...
The Bouton Lean-to on Table Mt. is at least 3.5 mi. from the Denning trailhead. Other lean-tos, not in the Catskill High Peaks areas, might be rarely used, such as the Campbell Mt. Lean-to, 1.3 mi. off Route 206 south of Downsville, 1.1 mi. from Campbell Mt. Rd.; or the Pelnor Hollow Lean-to (but parking at end of narrow road into area is possibly not accessible in winter).

Carol White
Ed., ADK's Catskill Trails
Black Dome Press's Catskill Peak Experiences
Terrance Mtn - off Wittenburg-Cornell Slide Trail

The Bouton Lean-to on Table Mt. is at least 3.5 mi. from the Denning trailhead. Other lean-tos, not in the Catskill High Peaks areas, might be rarely used, such as the Campbell Mt. Lean-to, 1.3 mi. off Route 206 south of Downsville, 1.1 mi. from Campbell Mt. Rd.; or the Pelnor Hollow Lean-to (but parking at end of narrow road into area is possibly not accessible in winter).

Carol White
Ed., ADK's Catskill Trails
Black Dome Press's Catskill Peak Experiences

This is a nice retreat in the winter. It is close to the most beautiful views in the Catskills (especially in this area). The approach to this palace is blessed with view points all along this trail. Beginning from Woodlad Valley Campground area trail head - the trail is steep at first and gradually mellows out with those fine view points that I talked about before. Great starting point for a backpacking winter adventure (You can bag Wittenberg, Cornell and Slide (day 2) and back out day 3 :)

Just a thought - not a trail that is highly used during the week and if you have access to use it than - i highly recommend it :)

Happy Trails to you
This is a nice retreat in the winter. It is close to the most beautiful views in the Catskills (especially in this area). The approach to this palace is blessed with view points all along this trail. Beginning from Woodlad Valley Campground area trail head - the trail is steep at first and gradually mellows out with those fine view points that I talked about before. Great starting point for a backpacking winter adventure (You can bag Wittenberg, Cornell and Slide (day 2) and back out day 3 :)

Just a thought - not a trail that is highly used during the week and if you have access to use it than - i highly recommend it :)

Happy Trails to you

Im not familiar with that lean-too, unless its the same one im thinking off and I may have called mine by the wrong name?? The one i am speaking of is a few miles out from the woodland campground too...are these the same?? Anyone???
The Bouton leanto is on the north side of Table mtn, just below 3500' Was moved from the fisherman's path area and the Deer shanty/Neversink a bunch of years ago.

The leanto I think you are talking about by Woodland Valley is terrace mtn leanto which is on the way to Wittenberg, a few miles in on the trail...
