Nice thread Adam. You look great at your new weight and the many thought provoking posts cause me to "weigh in". Couple years ago fairly fit 6'1" 250lbs hikes 1-2 a month year round, works out every day. Then new job behind desk 12 hours a day - 6 days a week, two sons deployed to Iraq, blow out both knees and dine out 4-5 times a week, weight 324lbs, gym membership unused, cant see let alone tie shoes, first time in 35 years no trail miles in summer. Now - reevaluated priorities, left job, one son home one on way, fixed knees, work out daily, eat healthy at home. Tried a eight mile hike in Nov and thought I would die. What I learned very clearly is my time in the woods or atop a peak is what offers balance to my attitude and outlook on life and when I wasnt able to do that all the other details of life - diet, excersize, mental health - all suffered. Sometimes life catches up and sometimes it swallows up. So now i work out to assure i can do these activities. Not sure about the physics but the stairnaster is by far the most aerobic machine I use and the stair mill is harder still, and a treadmill with the incline up is harder to walk. Do both daily and swim 3 days a week, 5 peaks since mid Jan, weight 285 and attitude and outlook is best in years - who has life better than me?