Lowell / Anderson / Duck Pond Mtn - 04-07-07


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Mar 20, 2005
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Maine, Avatar: NE3k
This coming Saturday I’ll be ‘whackin Lowell / Anderson / & Duck Pond Mtn.
I’m hoping for conditions like I found last weekend… a hard consolidated snow pack.
I’ll be leaving from the Nancy Pond trail head at 7:30 AM.

Anyone interested?

I was hoping to do this trip if the weather was decent on Sunday. Any chance you can postpone it a day? (Misery loves company!)

Edit: Actually, I just looked at the weather forecast. It looks like there will be some new accumulations this week, and the trees may be a little more heavily laden that I prefer for whackin. Never mind the Sunday suggestion. I'll probably find a peak with a trail in Vermont instead.
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I wouldn't attempt a bushwhack like that this weekend..its going to be very tough going with all of the wet heavy snow. I would wait until it settles or more spring like conditions. But if you are up to it, go for it. -Mattl
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I've done Anderson and let me tell ya' yer gonna get wet big time if you've tryin' fer those peaks this weekend.

Barbarossa descirbed it as "spruce hell". Have fun! :D

Incidently, if you put these off for a little while, I may be interested in joining you. I "need" Lowell and Duck Pond... :p
Eyewitness weather

jeeeeeeeeez... you guy's convinced me. I'll wait on this one! :D

michael, albee, Double Bow, let's see if we can hook up for this one another time!

Excellent! So, is the 14th more convenient? I'm blowing off the MATC meeting for this :eek: No worries! I will dutifully apply myself to the trail maintenance, i just don't wanna miss this.....by my estimation it could be an 8 person Croo...the authorities will be on us like ants on a candy bar!
michael said:
Excellent! So, is the 14th more convenient? I'm blowing off the MATC meeting for this :eek:
Count me in! The 14th it is!! Anyone else interested in 'whackin this the 14th?
:D :D

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Hmm, do you think we'd be done in time for me to get down to Exeter for the FTFC presentation at 7:00? If not, well, where I'm going you don't need patches... so I'm in!
Hmmm...we are going there this Saturday. If we should fail, I'll join you guys on the 14th :cool:
How long will it take?

I'm batting 0 for 2 so far... first I didn't know 'bout the snow, then I forgot about the patch-o-rama :eek:!

Hey, I have no idea how long this 'whack will take, but if we're ready to go at 7:30am that gives us 9-1/2 hours to get back to the car by 5pm. As this isn't an AMC-ish leader led hike (we're all self sufficient, right?!) I have no issue with those who want to cut the trip short at Anderson, or on Lowell, or at Nancy Cascades :eek: :D :D !!

Actually, I've never been to the FTFC awards, so I might follow someone down there after the 'whack. No need to shower first, right ;)?

I agree with Kurt. This hike has several bail points so folks could take it one peak at a time...we go CCW on this right? Prolly 10-12 miles? haven't looked ...
I am planning to go for the whole thing but know that some in my group were thinking initially only Lowell and Anderson...we hadn't even thought of Duck Pond until Kurt mentioned it. Just shows me how much I don't know about that NE3k list!
Well, as long as you're in the area with a decent sized group, it makes sense to go for Duck Pond.

1) You really don't want to whack through that area again unless absolutely necessary.

2) Duck Pond has a tough summit to find - 2 bumps that are long and flat. There are reportedly signs on each bump and I would like to find them both, so a team effort with many eyes searching would really make it easier.

There are also remnants of a cut path to Anderson somewhere on Duck Pond mtn. The more people that are in the area, the better chance we have of stumbling upon it. I don't want to hijack this trip, since Kurt was the one to suggest it, but I always thought that it might be a better route if you spotted a car at Nancy Pond trailhead and started up Sawyer River Rd. I would take the Carrigain Notch trail to the remains of the fire road that it crosses, turn right there, and look for a way to gain the southern ridge of Lowell first.

There are trip reports on here from Oncoman and NH_Mtn_Hiker for the Nancy Pond approach. Oncoman reported 1/4 mile per hour type thickness in spots, although he was solo.
just want to reiterate that there are at least 3 folks from my usual hiking croo that are committing to this hike. The fourth is on the fence pending the outcome of his week-long decision making process ;) but I think he is a go.
So we will all be in one vehicle, at most 2. From looking at this thread should we expect another 4-5 folks for next Saturday? Should we crash the FTFC party in our sweaty poly-pro or plan to bathe in Nancy stream prior to departure from the TH before heading to Exeter? :eek:
looking forward to this in any event...