Lyon Mountain (new trail) - 4 November 2008

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Date of Hike: 4 November 2008 (Election Day!)

Trail Conditions: Highly varied. The new trail cuts through some very nice forests; however, the snowmelt and wet conditions made a lot of it into muddy mire. Some of the mud was top-of-the-ankles deep on the trail. The new trail rejoins the old one about .6 miles from the top (somewhere around 3200 ft), whereupon it becomes a streambed. The stream was running in spate, with some rocks covered in ice. Footing was very treacherous. Some places had snow.

Special Equipment Required: Stabilicers - essential. Crampons - carried but not needed. Snowshoes - carried but not needed. Trekking poles - essential for balance on the wet rocks. We wore Stabilicers up through the brook, where they made the going a lot safer. Coming back down would have been even more unpleasant without the traction they provided.

Comments: The new trail will be lovely, but it's sorely in need of some erosion control. I imagine this is part of ADK's longer-term plan for building the trail. The summit was hazy but still gorgeous, and we were surprised to find that there was a fire tower there. None of us had remembered there being one. In the tower cab there was a heavy-duty steel box, ventilated, with wires coming out. Some connected to an antenna; others ran down a tower support, but ended halfway to the ground. A mystery!

Your name: Hollis Easter

Your E-mail address: adk 4t hollis easter dot com
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