Madison via Great Gulf/Buttress/Star Lake/Osgood/Great Gulf, 6/8

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trail conditions: no snow left. very few blowdowns, a bit of mud here and there. stream crossings easily negotiable w/gore tex boots and trekking poles.

special equipment required: poles very helpful as always. plenty of water for a hot muggy day. bug dope, hats, sunscreen.

comments: a challenging day due to heat and humidity. one wardrobe malfunction in the group... friends don't let friends hike in denim. somehow it happened though.

saw a large pine marten by the madison hut, didn't get a picture though. the croo had baked some huge, heavenly brownies, and I' don't mind telling you I took care of two.

Thanks Kevin and Liz for their company, and to Atticus for a surprise meeting at the Great Gulf trailhead at the end of the day.
