Well-known member
Date of Hike: 2 March 2013
Trail Conditions: Valley Way was broken out nicely and was mostly soft, partially consolidated snow. There was a good base the whole way to the hut. The Osgood Trail to the summit had enough deep snow to snowshoe up, but there were drifts and windswept areas as well. Not much exposed rocks - cairns covered in rime.
Special Equipment Required: Full winter gear above treeline for winds, which although probably not out of the 30 MPH range, were blowing some stinging precip around. Map and compass good to have handy with a bearing before heading away from the hut as visibility was limited to maybe 2 cairn. Snowshoes were the choice for footwear as postholing was a problem for those barebooting or in spikes/crampons.
Comments: Awesome day on Madison - made an afternoon hike of it from about 12:00 to 5:00 PM. Great to meet Dave Bear and Thor on the Trail.
Trail Conditions: Valley Way was broken out nicely and was mostly soft, partially consolidated snow. There was a good base the whole way to the hut. The Osgood Trail to the summit had enough deep snow to snowshoe up, but there were drifts and windswept areas as well. Not much exposed rocks - cairns covered in rime.
Special Equipment Required: Full winter gear above treeline for winds, which although probably not out of the 30 MPH range, were blowing some stinging precip around. Map and compass good to have handy with a bearing before heading away from the hut as visibility was limited to maybe 2 cairn. Snowshoes were the choice for footwear as postholing was a problem for those barebooting or in spikes/crampons.
Comments: Awesome day on Madison - made an afternoon hike of it from about 12:00 to 5:00 PM. Great to meet Dave Bear and Thor on the Trail.
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