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Trails/Peaks Notch Trail to Mahoosuc trail (AT), AT through notch up to Mahoosuc Arm, down to Speck Pond, up to Old Speck, AT back down to Speck Pond Campsite, Speck Pond Trail back down to Success Pond Rd. Minor road walk back to vehicle.
Trail Conditions: All trails wet and slippery for most of it. Minor stream crossings and very few blow downs.
Cast of Characters: Ken, CrazyBob, Petch, and Henrietta (pink flamingo)
Quick Flamingo Update: For those of you who haven't been following along at home, 2 Pink Flamingo's finished the NH48 with us in August. Names: Gladys and Henrietta (they are typically sold/travel in pairs). Gladys went with Jorge, CrazyBob, and Dana and summited Rainier and Adams out West earlier this month, and is now on her way to Chile to climb some peaks with Jorge in South America. According to the RMI guides, Gladys was the first pink flamingo to summit Rainier. We are very proud of her. Henrietta has elected to stay local and summit more Northeast peaks. Those crazy birds.
Potential questions: Why haul around Pink Flamingo's on hikes? Are you mentally ill? Second question first: It's called "Mentally challenged". First question: Well, they are lighter than most lawn ornaments, they eat/drink far less than most dogs, they provide an interesting color contrast in most terrain, they are extremely well behaved and do not scare off other wildlife, and they are an interesting conversation starter with fellow hikers, (insert other ridiculous reasons here).........
Now, we begin our story:
Well, with the whole NH4k list thing out of the way (round one, non-winter that is), time to continue hitting some different trails and peaks out there. I've read about Mahoosuc Notch for years. Written as the "Toughest one mile of the AT", I have been wanting to get up there and give it a go. Besides the Notch, we were going to continue up Mahoosuc Arm then down to Speck Pond, then up again to Old Speck just to add to the punishment. CrazyBob and I had been to Old Speck the short way from RT26 many moons ago in drizzly/fog viewless conditions. Today would be not much better. Ken had done Mahoosuc Notch before, and agreed to do it again. So the three of us left Gray Maine at about 6am, arrived at the trailhead at 8:30am. Yes, in a pickup, you can do 90mph up Success Pond rd. Although, I would advise against it.
So, we began on the Notch Trail and hammered up to the intersection with the AT. Smooth trail, fast, no issues. Then we began Mahoosuc Notch and our trail speed came to a crawl (literally). If you haven't been through here, you gotta go. It's really unlike anything I've come across. The closest thing would be the subway in King's Ravine - on steroids and a mile long. The views of the walls leading up the sides of the notch were spectacular. The terrain is a mile long boulder field with caves, moss, and interesting features. I brought my mountain bike gloves to wear, figuring they would help on the rocks. I expected to get a little lip from the boys, and my expectations were exceeded. We meandered through the humongous boulders.
"A Notching we will go, a Notching we will go, Hi ho....."
CrazyBob and Ken took their packs off a couple times. I kept my pack on the whole way, and poor Henrietta (you know, the flamingo) got her beak and head bashed against the rocks a plenty. She didn't seem to complain much......Pink Flamingo's are very low-maintenance pets! Hopefully, no one at PETA reads this.
"My beak is killing me! Someone call PETA!"................................................."I'm hiding from the idiots"
Anyway, you actually loose some elevation going through the notch going South to North. It took us about an 1hr 15 mins to do the mile long boulder field. We weren't in any hurry, goofing off as usual. We made sure to take plenty of flamingo pictures of Henrietta in strategic locations. We snuck up upon a couple thru-hikers and I had to apologize for CrazyBob's singing. I told them CrazyBob was practicing for American Idol. At least the song was G-rated. I swear I'm going to grow up as soon as I turn 25.
After making it through the Notch, we began the long climb up Mahoosuc Arm, gaining about 1400ft in about a mile. It was a pretty good beating. Up and over Mahoosuc Arm, we got some views over to the South. We could see the golf course over at Sunday River, and could faintly make out some of the ski trails through the fog and clouds. Then we hiked down to Speck Pond and took the trail around to the shelter. Nice area with the lean-to and tent platforms. We ran into a couple thru-hikers we had bumped into in the Notch. One guy was smoking a cigarette (wtf?). After hiking 2000 miles, he can smoke whatever he wants I guess.
Then off to Old Speck, our final peak of the day. We climbed into the fog and clouds, with some signs of sun trying to burn through. Up to the summit and up the tower to get a nice view of more white fog and clouds. There is a nice little area just off from the tower I'll call "The Hiker's Den" (see slideshow).
Interesting rock formations
On the way back down, the clouds started to break. Got some nice views down into the adjacent valleys where some fall colors were starting to show themselves.
Coming down Old Speck looking West...........................................................................Fall colors in the distance
Back at the shelter we took a break and talked with a couple other thru-hikers, one of which was from Brunswick and knew MEB. It is a small world. Our return trip back to the car was the Speck Pond trail followed by a short road walk. The pond sits down in a basin, so we had to climb up from the pond to get out. I'd been battling a cold all week, and my endurance was starting to fade. Finally, we crested near the May cut-off trail and began our descent down. The upper part of the Speck Pond Trail apparently doesn't get much sun. Moss pretty much blanketed the trail sides and everything was very wet and slippery. Lots of mushrooms and tons of moose scat. We counted no less than a dozen piles of moose poop.
The very lush Speck Pond Trail
The trail does eventually start to dry out as it levels out and gets a little more sun. The sun had finally completely broken from the clouds and it felt nice. The lower part of the Speck Pond trail is a quick walk and then we were back on Success Pond rd for the sub 2 mile walk back to the truck. Nice views of Goose Eye from Success Pond Rd on the way out.
The first 2 miles and the last few miles were easy, but the 8 miles in between were wet, rocky, rooty, and slippery. It made the 13 miles feel like 16+, and 4100ft of ele gain felt more like 5k+. A long day, but a great hike. Next time in the this area, I would like to do the Mt Carlo/Goose Eye loop.
Trip stats: 13 miles or so, about 4100 ft of elevation gain, 8 hours 20 min
Humorous Slideshow ^
Hiking Pictures:
Ascent List:
Trail Conditions: All trails wet and slippery for most of it. Minor stream crossings and very few blow downs.
Cast of Characters: Ken, CrazyBob, Petch, and Henrietta (pink flamingo)
Quick Flamingo Update: For those of you who haven't been following along at home, 2 Pink Flamingo's finished the NH48 with us in August. Names: Gladys and Henrietta (they are typically sold/travel in pairs). Gladys went with Jorge, CrazyBob, and Dana and summited Rainier and Adams out West earlier this month, and is now on her way to Chile to climb some peaks with Jorge in South America. According to the RMI guides, Gladys was the first pink flamingo to summit Rainier. We are very proud of her. Henrietta has elected to stay local and summit more Northeast peaks. Those crazy birds.
Potential questions: Why haul around Pink Flamingo's on hikes? Are you mentally ill? Second question first: It's called "Mentally challenged". First question: Well, they are lighter than most lawn ornaments, they eat/drink far less than most dogs, they provide an interesting color contrast in most terrain, they are extremely well behaved and do not scare off other wildlife, and they are an interesting conversation starter with fellow hikers, (insert other ridiculous reasons here).........
Now, we begin our story:
Well, with the whole NH4k list thing out of the way (round one, non-winter that is), time to continue hitting some different trails and peaks out there. I've read about Mahoosuc Notch for years. Written as the "Toughest one mile of the AT", I have been wanting to get up there and give it a go. Besides the Notch, we were going to continue up Mahoosuc Arm then down to Speck Pond, then up again to Old Speck just to add to the punishment. CrazyBob and I had been to Old Speck the short way from RT26 many moons ago in drizzly/fog viewless conditions. Today would be not much better. Ken had done Mahoosuc Notch before, and agreed to do it again. So the three of us left Gray Maine at about 6am, arrived at the trailhead at 8:30am. Yes, in a pickup, you can do 90mph up Success Pond rd. Although, I would advise against it.
So, we began on the Notch Trail and hammered up to the intersection with the AT. Smooth trail, fast, no issues. Then we began Mahoosuc Notch and our trail speed came to a crawl (literally). If you haven't been through here, you gotta go. It's really unlike anything I've come across. The closest thing would be the subway in King's Ravine - on steroids and a mile long. The views of the walls leading up the sides of the notch were spectacular. The terrain is a mile long boulder field with caves, moss, and interesting features. I brought my mountain bike gloves to wear, figuring they would help on the rocks. I expected to get a little lip from the boys, and my expectations were exceeded. We meandered through the humongous boulders.
"A Notching we will go, a Notching we will go, Hi ho....."

CrazyBob and Ken took their packs off a couple times. I kept my pack on the whole way, and poor Henrietta (you know, the flamingo) got her beak and head bashed against the rocks a plenty. She didn't seem to complain much......Pink Flamingo's are very low-maintenance pets! Hopefully, no one at PETA reads this.

"My beak is killing me! Someone call PETA!"................................................."I'm hiding from the idiots"
Anyway, you actually loose some elevation going through the notch going South to North. It took us about an 1hr 15 mins to do the mile long boulder field. We weren't in any hurry, goofing off as usual. We made sure to take plenty of flamingo pictures of Henrietta in strategic locations. We snuck up upon a couple thru-hikers and I had to apologize for CrazyBob's singing. I told them CrazyBob was practicing for American Idol. At least the song was G-rated. I swear I'm going to grow up as soon as I turn 25.
After making it through the Notch, we began the long climb up Mahoosuc Arm, gaining about 1400ft in about a mile. It was a pretty good beating. Up and over Mahoosuc Arm, we got some views over to the South. We could see the golf course over at Sunday River, and could faintly make out some of the ski trails through the fog and clouds. Then we hiked down to Speck Pond and took the trail around to the shelter. Nice area with the lean-to and tent platforms. We ran into a couple thru-hikers we had bumped into in the Notch. One guy was smoking a cigarette (wtf?). After hiking 2000 miles, he can smoke whatever he wants I guess.
Then off to Old Speck, our final peak of the day. We climbed into the fog and clouds, with some signs of sun trying to burn through. Up to the summit and up the tower to get a nice view of more white fog and clouds. There is a nice little area just off from the tower I'll call "The Hiker's Den" (see slideshow).

Interesting rock formations
On the way back down, the clouds started to break. Got some nice views down into the adjacent valleys where some fall colors were starting to show themselves.

Coming down Old Speck looking West...........................................................................Fall colors in the distance
Back at the shelter we took a break and talked with a couple other thru-hikers, one of which was from Brunswick and knew MEB. It is a small world. Our return trip back to the car was the Speck Pond trail followed by a short road walk. The pond sits down in a basin, so we had to climb up from the pond to get out. I'd been battling a cold all week, and my endurance was starting to fade. Finally, we crested near the May cut-off trail and began our descent down. The upper part of the Speck Pond Trail apparently doesn't get much sun. Moss pretty much blanketed the trail sides and everything was very wet and slippery. Lots of mushrooms and tons of moose scat. We counted no less than a dozen piles of moose poop.

The very lush Speck Pond Trail
The trail does eventually start to dry out as it levels out and gets a little more sun. The sun had finally completely broken from the clouds and it felt nice. The lower part of the Speck Pond trail is a quick walk and then we were back on Success Pond rd for the sub 2 mile walk back to the truck. Nice views of Goose Eye from Success Pond Rd on the way out.
The first 2 miles and the last few miles were easy, but the 8 miles in between were wet, rocky, rooty, and slippery. It made the 13 miles feel like 16+, and 4100ft of ele gain felt more like 5k+. A long day, but a great hike. Next time in the this area, I would like to do the Mt Carlo/Goose Eye loop.
Trip stats: 13 miles or so, about 4100 ft of elevation gain, 8 hours 20 min
Humorous Slideshow ^
Hiking Pictures:
Ascent List: