Maine mountain lists

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Jan 25, 2004
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northwestern Maine
There are the NH 48 (4,000 footer) list, New England hundred highest, etc etc. Are there any lists for Maine such as Maine top 50 or Maine hundred Highest, or similar lists? Just wondering....
maineguide5 said:
where might I find those lists? Thanks

My guess is that the Maine 100 Highest list isn't very popular considering a lot of the peaks on the list are undoubatbly in obscure and difficult to access locations. Here is a list That might help you get started. It doesn't seem likely that there's any organization governing the MEHH list so you might have to decide on your own criteria for what's a peak and what's not. Something like the Catskills 3500' list might be in order but a quick search on the internet produced nothing.

I'm in the midst of making my own list called the 250 Wu-ist Mountains in either New England or the Northeast US. You can make your own list. :D

-Dr. Wu
sapblatt said:
What is the criteria for being a Wu-ist mountain? Inquiring minds want to know!
Defining Wu-icity is the tough part. When I complete the list I'll post it. The details are in the devil.

-Dr. Wu

PS: It's going to be a good list.
Named peaks in Baxter

The Stephen Clark guide for BSP list the 'named' Baxter Peaks, and I have heard other references to this (same?) list as well. It's pursuit might lead to all sorts of adventures.
I think that there are 161 peaks on the ME 3000 footer list. That total may have changed slightly since I started back in 1980. It's a great way to visit some "interesting" places in ME. Access to some of these peaks is as challenging as the hike itself. :D
Tramper Al said:
The Stephen Clark guide for BSP list the 'named' Baxter Peaks, and I have heard other references to this (same?) list as well. It's pursuit might lead to all sorts of adventures.

Yes, this is a good list. His doesn't really have an special criteria other than that a peak must be names. But if a peak is named and it has subsidiary peaks, he counts them too.

I just started working on these last summer. I'll likely do most of my hiking in the park this summer after them too.

of course there are a few just outside of the park that are a hoot, too ;)
