Maine Trail Crew help wanted

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TJ aka Teej

Dec 21, 2003
Reaction score
Maine Trail Crew help wanted


copied from another forum:

" Dear Friend of the Appalachian Trail:

We need your help! As a “mover and shaker” in the world of outdoor recreation, we’d like to tap your connections and your enthusiasm for the Appalachian Trail to meet an urgent recruiting need for volunteers on the Maine Trail Crew. For this 2005 field season we are vastly undersubscribed for volunteers and are in danger of canceling numerous projects that the Maine Appalachian Trail Club has been planning for some time. These projects include treadway rehabilitation projects that are important to prevent erosion and ensure that generations of hikers will get to experience the Appalachian Trail in a safe and enjoyable manner. All are located in the scenic north woods of Maine and several are in the famed “100 Mile Wilderness.” A complete list of projects may be found at:

We are not quite sure what happened, but as of this writing, we only have about 30 of 80 volunteer slots filled. If we don’t generate some additional volunteer workers, there will be thousands of dollars of investment and hundreds of hours of volunteer planning that will be wasted.

Volunteers are asked to come for a week and are given all the tools, training, and equipment they need. In return, we ask that people be willing to do some hard work, camp out under the stars, and enjoy the camaraderie and laughter that comes with being with nine like-minded people for a week.

There is no cost to participate, although you must be 18 years old. You are responsible to get to Maine, but pickups can be arranged from the closest public transportation hubs.

We ask that you consider joining the crew for a full week. If you can’t come for a full week, we can accommodate volunteers who wish to come for a few days, but the logistics can be more challenging. If you can’t come yourself, please pass this message along to friends or family who might be interested. We’ve attached an application for your convenience that can be completed and e-mailed as an attachment to [email protected].

If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected] or contact

Margaret Snell, Crew Coordinator Maine Trail Crew PO Box 149 Dexter, ME 04930 207-924-0133

For more information, please go to: or

Many thanks, J.T. Horn, New England Regional Director Appalachian Trail Conference "