Making Fire from Ice: Survival Tips

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With Spaddock's comment in mind, how long from start to finish?
I am interested in time from developing a lense to boiling water or at least a warm fire?

I suppose in a pinch the excitement of accomplishing this task would distract and handy work involved would generate some inner heat.
Another reason to look forward to winter.

"Honey, let's go camping"

"In January?!?!"

"Sure! I can make a lens from ice to start a fire."

Yep, my wife will go winter camping with me now. ;)

Seriously, I have to try that in the backyard.
Barry Sr said:
With Spaddock's comment in mind, how long from start to finish?
I would think that if you started in July you might not get finished for quite a few months.

Really, what an amazing thing to do. I wonder what tools you'd need to carry in your pack and if this would work wiith the sun at a low winter angle.
Barry Sr said:
With Spaddock's comment in mind, how long from start to finish?
I would think that if you started in July you might not get finished for quite a few months.

Really, what an amazing thing to do. I wonder what tools you'd need to carry in your pack and if this would work wiith the sun at a low winter angle.
Barbarossa said:
" I can make a lens from ice to start a fire."
Great opening line to impress a lady at a singles bar.