Mapping the Future of the Adirondack Park

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Daniel Eagan

Active member
Sep 8, 2003
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New York City
Since the ADK High Peaks Forum is down, I thought I would post this announcement here:

Mapping the Future of the Adirondack Park

An Interactive Half-Day Workshop Exploring Six Scenarios for the Year 2036

Dave Mason & Jim Herman

Keene Central School 1:00pm to 4:30pm
Wednesday December 28, 2011
To Learn More, Go to:

· Open to all adults, no prior registration required

· Prerequisites:

o Broad knowledge of issues facing the region, e.g., from reading local papers

o Open-minded, willing to imagine new directions for the Park's wild lands, recreational uses, people and government

· The workshop is structured around six possible outcomes for the Park 25 years from now

· Participants will also explore a handful of the most important and consequential actions that can be taken by government, private enterprise and individual citizens

· Bring a pen or pencil, note pad, and reading glasses
Thanks for posting this- sounds interesting. I'll definitely consider attending! :)