Marcy + the Great Range 8/16

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Date of Hike: August 16, 2008

Trail Conditions: From ADK Loj to Marcy, to Haystack and then to Lower wolfjaw. Trail in good condition, some muddy places but manageable. Very nice day, almost all rocky and scrambling (Saddleback) places were dry

Special Equipment Required: Light daypack (around 5kg, 11lb). start with 2 litters, refill (up to 3 litters) at Indian falls, then refill (3 litters again) at Haystack brook (between Haystack and Basin). No water between Basin and Lower wolfjaw. 10 energy bars, one apple and some dry fruits (homemade).
The night hike to Marcy was cold, around 0 deg C. But during the day it turned around 15-20 deg C.

Comments: Started at 3h20am on Meadow road (spelling?) closed to ADK Loj and ended at 5h20pm on 73 between keene valley and St Hubert.
Did it in 14h!

Your name: Sebastien

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