Marshall from Upper Works 7/29

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Calamity Brook trail muddy as usual, trail around Flowed Lands to Herbert Brook rugged , muddy, and rooty. Beginning of Herbert Brook herd path easy to find just east of bridge and marked with cairn. Lower sections of path close in but easily travelled. Path on slabs in stream a pleasure to walk on but occassionaly slippery. Views across valley to Colden and Skylight behind you as you climb. At times path returns to stream bank to avoid large pools. Lost black Komperdell anti-shock pole in a steep detour higher up. Upper portions of path well defined. Views across NE valley to Whiteface and McKenzies just before summit. Views from Marcy around to Santanonni and for many miles of outlying peaks from SW overlook. Blackflies still enjoying the VFTT. Care is needed in selecting route back off summit as a number of strong paths head for Iroquois Pass. We were sure we found the same path we came in on until we began to drop steeply toward the NE away from Herbert Brook valley. A ten minute bushwack brought us back to the beaver ponds at the head of the brook. Return trip along Herbert Brook a nice trek to enjoy the beautiful pools and chutes. Great day with excellent views. #13 for me and #11 for Bman. [email protected] if you find lost pole. Thanks