MAY Gathering / TBTS Bike Ride

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Sep 3, 2003
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H: Brighton, MA, Avatar :Brian and I at the 2005 S
I am going to toss out the idea for the next Gathering to be held on May 14-16 somewhere in Eastern Mass close to Waltham where Darren and others will be participating in the annual Brain Tumor Society Ride for Research.

I have been tossing around the idea of doing the ride this year and I think it might be fun to have the Gathering that weekend with plans to attend the event and cheer on the VFTT riders on Sunday. The usual Saturday night potluck can be used as a carbo loading fun fest for the VFTT riders.

Any interest in doing this? Darren, will you be up for something like this? If there is enough interest I will look into campgrounds in the area and start making plans.

Seema - sounds like a great idea - wish I could attend. I'll just be flying back from my Grand Canyon trip. Have fun!
Sounds like a great idea to me! I will be posting pages with info on the ride this weekend.

I dont know if there are many campgrounds near Waltham, but team riders are welcome to stay at my house Sat night. I'm about 1 hour from Waltham.


- darren
Where is the bike ride this year...Is it western mass or closer to boston? I guess I'll have to check out TBTS's website...

I'm a crazy cyclist...

Hi Seema

If you can do it on the weekend of May 8-9 I'll drop by at least for an evening session. I'll be visiting the Boston area (Natick to be exact) for that weekend for a Mother's day / birthday combo.

Pb :)
I'm out for sure for this one. The TBTS ride falls on the same weekend as Trail Days down in Damascus.
There are actually a number of campgrounds within an hour's drive of Waltham so if there is enough interest we could plan it. But I am not stuck to that weekend, the other possibility is May 8-9. So I guess, let's get some votes in for the following 2 weekend choices:

May 8-9 (but it is Mother's Day Weekend; doesn't matter for me but it might for some)

May 15-16 (TBTS Bike Ride)

I'll go with the weekend that gets the most votes

you can email me or PM if you wish with your vote.

If we go with the 8-9 weekend then the choice of camping/cabin spot will be greater because we don't have to be close to Waltham but with the TBTS weekend we have the option of all of us being there for the event. Vote away !

chomp said:
I'm out for sure for this one. The TBTS ride falls on the same weekend as Trail Days down in Damascus.

Man, love your avatar! Reminds me of half my rides around Massabesic......
One weekend is mother's day, the next is my mother's birthday, so I will just go along with whatever gets decided and deal with the fallout. :D
I could do May 8-9, and I'd suggest that we pick some place with good road AND mountain biking. And hiking. Perhaps East Burke, VT? There is some great mountain biking up there, nearby hiking and good backroads for road biking. Also, there is a campground on the side of the mountain with plenty of sites.

Just my humble suggestion.

I'd like to clarify my potential involvement since I first suggested the alternative of doing it May 8-9. I will be but a drop in if it's that weekend and if it's in the Boston area. Unfortunately I'm commited most of that weekend, so Vermont, day hikes, etc. are beyond what I can commit to.

So disregard my vote, but OTOH if it does end up that weekend in that area I will drop in Saturday night.

<-- Lives in Sudbury, 25 mins outside of Waltham. I have no room at the house, but there is a Boys Scout Camp with cabin rentals (Nobscot Boys Scout Reservation). The scouts do not allow mountain biking on their reservation, but I think that it is allowed on land that boarders it. The scout reservation boarders Sudbury Conservation Land and Calahan St. Forest. There are some trails with very easy hiking with some great views. There is also a fire tower on Nobscot Hill (the summit). You can see from Boston to Mt. Wachusett and up to Mt. Monadnock. The date does not matter for me. Keep us updated on details! Below are some links for info on the Scout Reservation and the Conservation Land and surrounding areas.

Nobscot Hill Info

Tipping Rock view spot

Bay Circut Trail/Tipping Rock and area Virtual Tour
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Thank you VERY much for the info, it was very useful. It looks like there are a lot of folks on vacation or JUST back from vacation during the month of May but I'll wait a few more weeks and then take a head count and then make a decision on when and where to have the next Gathering. Thanks again for the info,

I can do either weekend. I won't be biking but I think I'll make a trip to climb Greylock for my state highpoints. How far from Greylock will the gathering be?
Waltham is about 2-1/2 to 3 hours from Greylock, but that can vary dramatically depending on where exactly the Gathering ends up, due to time required to get to the highway, and being closer to Rte 2 or I-90.

Think "almost Albany" when thinking of Greylock...
One other thing about Greylock. Since you're highpointing, it's not necessarily about the hike. There's a road all the way up to Bascomb Lodge and the War Memorial up at the summit, and you can do it in 5 minutes. Double-check first that it has opened for the season.

Rte 2 has some beautiful sections driving across the state. If you don't mind being touristy, on the drive home you could stop at some great spots, such as the Montague Book Mill, the village of Shelburne Falls (in particular, the Bridge of Flowers, Mole Hollow Candle, the glass blowing studio, and lunch overlooking the river), and Mass MoCA, the Museum of Contemporary Art. Then a buzz up Greylock, back down, and over the border into NY.

Just a thought...