Mendon Bushwack - moved from Trip Reports

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Jun 14, 2004
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Nashua, NH
Mendon Bushwack

I have been looking for information regarding Mendon Peak. I have found lots of descriptions detailing the bushwack from the Buckland Trailhead up to the 3rd cairn etc... etc...
I will be hiking the long trail North and would like to grab Mendon on the way by. Again I have found many references to this, however, they all include the old logging road which intersects the LT/AT just South of Cooper Lodge. At this point a person has hiked well past Mendon heading North.
The USGS Killington Peak Quad distinctly shows a trail bisecting the LT/AT just North of Little Killington Peak which leads Southwest just missing Little Killington Peak to the Northwest, then traveling almost 2/3 of the way to Mendon along the saddle between Little Killington and Mendon before dropping down to the South into the Green Mountain National Forest. It would seem to me that a person could follow this trail to where it turns South and continue accross the saddle and easily pick up the herd path on the North side of Mendon.
Has anyone had experiance with this route? It seems to be a more appropriate route then continuing North up the LT/AT all the way to Cooper Lodge just to drop down off the ridge, loose all you elevation and backtrack to the South along the logging road.
I've hiked westerly from the LT to Mendon twice, and I'd rate it as a relatively painless bushwack. I have not recognized the trail that you describe as bisecting the LT, but it may just be overgrown. The north side of the ridge was dramatically more open than the southern edge. When in doubt, I'd recommend following the moose droppings (those critters seem to have a knack for avoiding the roughest sections). Have fun!!
Thanks for the input. Have a look at the following link and you will see the trail that I referred to on the Topo map. It doesn't bisect the LT, it starts there and travels past Little Killington Peak. As you indicated it's probably a very old reference and is most likely not there any more. However, I would be surprised if it doesn't at least go out to Little Killington.

Topo Map Showing Trail in Question
Still Looking

Does anyone have any further information regarding this route? Does the trail I refer to exist? How far out the saddle does it go?
When we 'whacked Mendon we didn't stay right far enough and ended up in the saddle. It's open and has pretty good footing, and it was very easy to take a compass bearing and recover, eventually picking the herd path back up. So if you just come off the LT into the saddle and shoot for the north side of the eastern (false) summit, you should have no problem. Then either go back to the LT if you're a serious blaze-follower, or drop down to the logging road and pick the LT back up on the west face of Killington.