Hi again,
I think that summit1's description of the camping situation on the Midstate is very good. It is not the case, as you read in the current 'Outdoors', that camping is prohibited on the Midstate. I believe there are 5 shelters total, but while that might have been just enough were they spaced at just the right intervals, they are not. Do your research. Yes, there are places you can camp. No, you can't just start at one end and thru hike without thinking about it.
I think the 'Outdoors' blurb did list the % trail and % country road, and that seemed about right. I nearly always found the Midstate to be well marked. Some interesting things you will find on the Midstate (compared to say a Northern NE trail) are lots and lots of cellar holes, remote cemetaries, of course stone walls, and a really cool cow tunnel passing under Rt 20.
If your notion of 'views' is limited to higher elevation outlooks, then yes, you will not find many on the southern half of the trail. However, there are a lot of other cool views to be had throughout.
And if you like the idea of long trails, remember that the Midstate continues 21 miles into NH as the Wapack (as I think someone mentioned) and some 70 miles into RI as the North South Trail. So you can actually walk from Pack Monadnock to Block Island Sound, all the way on blazed trails.
Please let me know if I can relate any specifics on any of these three fine trails.