Mighty Quinn


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Bill Quinn

Allen Mtn, Wednesday June 11, 2008.

Used the alternate route across the Opalscent river and it worked very well, this route was conveyed in these forum comments. I brought along an old pair of sneakers to wear in the water, left them at the river while I continued on to Allen then used them again on the return crossing and carried them out with me. The river was only about a foot deep and this was the day after the cold front came through and caused heavy storms in the area. Loads of mosquitoes at the trail head, some black flies along the trail which was fairly dry given the recent rain. The hike up and especially down the Allen brook was was slippery and wet. Glad to have accomplished Allen, my 45th with only Whiteface to go to complete the 46er's. Hope to have family waiting at the top of Whiteface with champagne when I get there.