Missing Wallet & Blackberry - Tahawus area


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Mike P.

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Colchester, CT
I'm hoping against hope that I misplaced these two items & they were not stolen from my car that my eight year old says I left unlocked.

We had driven to the trailhead with the bridge over the Hudson (was out in the Spring & is being repaired as I write this) that provides access to Allen, Adams & Hanging Spear Falls & we went just as far as Lake Jimmy.

Kids & I in watershoes & Sandals & not knowing how wet we might get (crossing was less than knee deep but we were wading after hiking Vanderwhacker which is about 30 minutes away)

I put the wallet & blackberry in the back of the car as I changed into Teva's. I had maybe $150 in cash as I needed gas, lunch & a winning raffle ticket for the 72 Corvette being raffled in Minerva.

I did not look for the items when we got back to the trailhead & only when we got back to the house noticed them missing. Going through everything in the car & house came up empty.

As I said, hoping it's found at the house or I did something stupid like took them out of the car & placed them on the bump & then drove off but I don't think that happened.

No idea who might have stolen them, only activity I saw in the trailhead was two guys who seemed to be taking too long putting stuff into their car after what appeared to be a decent length backpacking trip based on their pack sizes & the cuts & scrapes on their legs. (One guy had the type of calves you get from a lot of hiking soccer or rubgy)

As I said, hopefully I did something stupid, if not hopefully it was the work of non-hiking thieves as the thought that I was robbed & the thieves were "one of us" saddens me more than calling credit card companies & the bank - already done.
Wallet & BB update

Someone did find the wallet & from what it sounds like based on contents & condition, the wallet was on the car when we left the lot.

my son now has a new responsibility, makesure senile Dad didn't forget anything on the roof. :eek::eek:(If he's smart, when we get back in the car after every hike, he'll ask me for $$$)

I also got some help from folks here on VFTT, Thank you, you know who you are:D:D
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