Monadnock - Friday, 2/4/05

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
I live in Boston, routinely treck out to The Whites, Adirondacks, Catskills -- hell, even Baxter but I have yet to hike Mt. Monadnock. So this Friday I think I'm going to go -- probably an obvious trail like "White Dot" or something like that; 7:00am start time.

Is anyone interested in joining me? If in general someone wants to do a hike on Friday (just about anywhere in the North East), I could be persuaded (hint hint: $500 :p ) to do that hike as well. Hell, I'll do both.


Dr. Wu
I train here alot becuase its close. My guess is you will be at the top in 60-90 minutes doing white dot/ or white cross. and then about an hour down.

If your looking for something a bit longer, check out the map they give you or online and make a longer trip out of it.

Its a pretty short hike to the top as you will see. Its a fun hike though. Little bit of everything. I was up there new years eve day in the morning and winds were like that in the pressie range - knocked me down a couple of times. hahaha

Hi--I would join you on Friday--I have gone up Monadnock several times in winter and can recommend a good hike. A four hour round trip is my pace. I was up two weeks ago and crampons were necessary. Would you be interested in a 9:00 am start? You may email me if you have other questions about my experience etc.
I was up on Sunday on the White Dot, I didn't use crampons going up, but I used them coming down - They were nice to have on the steep sections. There were a lot of folks just butt-sliding down the steep sections though.
Otherwise the trail is in very nice condition.