Monroe & Washington via Ammo. & Crawford 03/18/08

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Ammonoosuc Ravine trail hard packed to Gem Pool, softer and unconsolidated to hut. Trail to Monroe, ice and hard pack with some soft sections. Crawford path to Washington was a mix of solid ice, hard pack, and soft snow through the snow fields. Wore spikes to Gem Pool (could be bare booted), and crampons the rest of the way. Carried my snowshoes but didn't use them. It would have been a trade off on the steep section of the ammo. Crampons a must above tree line. What a day, beautiful blue skies with dead calm winds, views for a hundred miles. Saw some guys in tee shirts at the summit. Met up with Rick B., Giff, and company on the rock pile, also nice talking with Aaron on the summit.

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