Geat Night...Snowshoes aren't optional (PP)
I waddled in and shook off some sleet and saw a white wabbit...Hmmmm..... a quick appetizer....wonder if anyone would notice a missing leg...
But,quickly distracted by some brews coveted by another pair of grizzlies who go by the names of Prino and Yvon and probably had the same thought about the .. very nervous wabbit.
Rejean, the ice bear, saunters in, with a dead serious hunger, but to my surprise goes right after the main course ,most likely keeping the wabbit for dessert.
Then...I black out..cause in walks two of the cutest

she bears in these parts, one named Timmus and the other Sue.(where are you Sue ?) Well this bear forgot about the wabbit and was dumbfounded by their grace and beauty (probably a sly tactic to team snatch the now

Another grizzly, a two year old cub who goes by the name of idontrememberpleasecorrectmesomeone took up a spot next to the prino bear , I'm guessing to have first crack at the prize.
Then..... this tough hunter wanders in .

...Neil...kissing the she bears, exchanges some small talk with the grizzlies and heads straight to the wabbit to blatantly steal away our prize.But..PINPIN ducked under the table , and our grinning snack last seen heading for Allen Mountain.
Thank you all ..I had a great time !