Moosilauke 1-21-13 via Glencliff, Carriage Rd

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Lefty E

Active member
Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
at Madison summit
Parking lot was plowed and then sanded upon return from the hike...Glencliff Trail: started off very lumpy and beat up but once at the Hurricaine Trail jct., it smoothed out..frozen basically, but it appears some sledding/butt sliding done on a lot of the trai the past few days, so all post holes covered and it was pretty easy going...Carriage Road: a fresh 1 to 2 inches of frost or new snow but still a very hard packed trail, some ice up near summit..I used Hillsound Pro Trail Crampons and was going to switch to microspikes (Katoolas) but hands too cold to make switch..went to South Peak also and that trail hardpacked with slightly more powder but no issues...wind and chill was wicked once above the scrub precautions needed, I did not linger on the summit long...only saw two others coming up well down the trail...great view day, NY ADK peaks showed up!! Lefty E