Trail Conditions: Absolutely fantastic! The first (and only) water crossing is a breeze. The bottom third of the trail does have some pretty muddy spots, though I suppose that's to be expected given all of the rain we've gotten recently... There are some rocky sections towards the top which are a little wet, but not at all slippery. The trail did seem to dry out considerably between my ascent and descent.
Special Equipment Required: None.
Comments: The moderate grades and good footing on the Benton Trail made for an exceptionally quick (and pleasant) trip. I didn't encounter anyone on my way up, which surprised me a little given how lovely the weather was today. However, I did run into several very friendly groups of hikers on the summit and during my descent.
#37 for me... Since it's my birthday tomorrow (and unfortunately I must work!), I'm considering this my official birthday hike. I'm glad to say that it more than lived up to expectations.
Special Equipment Required: None.
Comments: The moderate grades and good footing on the Benton Trail made for an exceptionally quick (and pleasant) trip. I didn't encounter anyone on my way up, which surprised me a little given how lovely the weather was today. However, I did run into several very friendly groups of hikers on the summit and during my descent.
#37 for me... Since it's my birthday tomorrow (and unfortunately I must work!), I'm considering this my official birthday hike. I'm glad to say that it more than lived up to expectations.