Moriah via Carter-Moriah Trail 2/10/08

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Date of Hike: 2/10/08

Trail Conditions: Trail broken out and well packed about 3/4 of the way to the summit by what I surmise was a large group on Saturday. The remaining 1.5 miles were unbroken with 12" - 18" of powder. With the blowdowns and snow laden low hanging limbs, following the trail was difficult at times.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes for the last 1.5 miles.

Comments: The last section of trail is just churned powder at this point. A few more folks with snowshoes will be required before it is packed out.

I found one Stablicer on the trail near the rock slab section. Looks brand new. If you lost one, send me an email with the size and whether it is a left or right and I'll make arrangements to get it back to you.

Your name: Carl

Your E-mail address: [email protected]