Mount Adams 1/3/09

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Date of Hike: 1/3/09

Trail Condition: Trail broken to Allen according to trail register. Someone tried bare-booting and post-holed up to and beyond the Adams junction. Trail to Adams is now broken, 18" of snow at least, with some spots having a layer of ice 6" under the snow. The last half mile torwards the top has significantly more ice, and crampons are better suited (though not required) for climbing.

Equipment Required: Snowshoes from the trailhead to the summit. As said, crampons can be useful, but not required. Eye protection would be helpful, as many small branches are sticking out into the trail at eye-level for the first mile off of the lumber road.

The fire tower's first 2-teirs of stairs covered in ice, but perfectly usable. Some fencing has become undone and is blocking the stairway. It can be pushed aside, but will snag your gear if anything loose is hanging off.

- Brandon Tuchovsky