Mount Allen this sunday jan 23.

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Three of us (Myself, son Dominic and Hillman)are lined up to do Allen this sunday from UW. We plan on skiing the approach, there should be just enough snow.
Post here or PM me if you're interested.
there was a big wooden sign with allen scratched on it and a right arrow when i hiked it last august. it's just a few feet past the sign saying turn left for marcy.

spaddock said:
there was a big wooden sign with allen scratched on it and a right arrow when i hiked it last august. it's just a few feet past the sign saying turn left for marcy.

Yes, we did it last summer also, and it was more than clear where to go or not to go throughout the private area. Signs everywhere, one tree before the road entrance virtually dripping with orange paint. I recall the only very minor route difficulty (in summer) was finding the way through the last half-mile or so before Skylight Brook.